TicciTobyRogers - Page 2

Well I'm little bit of everything, I love making new friends anime and of course CREEPYPASTA my favorite video games are kingdom hearts and sword art online lost song.
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on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
I'm bored and need someone to talk to.????
on March 15, 2016
on March 04, 2016
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Zodiac Signs Posts
Well, as I was just texting my friends because I was bored, they sent me some Zodiac sign posts and some of them were funny and some of them were really true. So this page is for posting that sort of stuff.
27 subscribers 3 members fully opened
on March 04, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are super kind and don't like to doubt anyone, loving animals you just cant help and so you'd do anything for them. with your calm and cute demeanor no one would possibly guess that you have a darker side to you. loving to take your scapula and opening a pony right up is just seems to tempting for you to miss it. I hope you're happy that you're cute and deadly! :D
on March 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Jeff the Killer
Jeff the Killer
a person who is active mostly at night, usually popular, and aren't really ever tired
on March 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
kit annistenn
kit annistenn
she loves the look, smell, and taste of blood. it doesn't matter what you do, you're still gonna die. *evil chuckle*
on March 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Jeff the killer
Jeff the killer
This guy right here is my best pal. We go on killing sprees all the time. He's handy with a knife and never gets caught. Jeff is a good killer and a good friend. He's nice when he wants, but piss him off and it'll be time for you to go to sleep.
on March 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Yay you got Jeff!
Jinx~So Jeff what did you think of Y/N?
Jeff~She was awesome I love her!
on March 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Eyeless Jack
Eyeless Jack
You and E.J will haul in many bags full of kidneys and feast on them all through the night. E.J: should we go start on the first bag you can kill the first victim
on March 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash is fast like lightning and wants to be in a famous flying group called the 'Wonder Bolts". She is very loyal to her friends and family. Rainbow Dash has a special relationship with Fluttershy they are complete opposites but are great friend so they saying is true opposites do attract.
on March 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Your POV:

"So, would you like to hang out tomorrow?" He asked me. I got so excited. I quickly said yes and grabbed him in a hug. I got even more excited knowing he hugged me back.

on February 29, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
A hand outstretches to pull me up. "So, Riku, what do you like to do?" I asked him. "Well, there's nothing much to really tell. Besides the fact that I escaped from the darkness." He replied. 'Escaped from the darkness?' I was confused. 'What does he mean by that?' "What do you mean?" I asked. He seem surprised by this question. "I was sucked into darkness, and I got out." More confusion came across my face. Then, all of a sudden, there was a quick flash of light, then, this weird thing appeared in his hands. It looked like half of a long bat wing that was red and black. "I use this to fight the Heartless." Only then did I say one word "Wow."
on February 29, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Your POV:
"AH!" I heard a scream. But then, all I saw was darkness. Even though I couldn't see, I could still feel things and hear, but, I can't move. Before I (kinda) passed out, all I remember is seeing this black giant ant looking thing followed by a, a boy I think. I felt myself being carried. I was scared that it was that, that thing. Afterwords, I fell into a deep sleep.
on February 29, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Aira Harune
Aira Harune
Aira's strongest suit is fashion, being very good at coordinating clothes and having the ability to her them "sing", and she may have gotten her talent from her mother, Omi Harune, who formerly was a Prism Show stylist. She is a fan of clothes from Prism Stone, a store run by Shō from Callings whom Aira has a crush on.
on February 29, 2016
I'm new here so help me out a bit please.
on February 29, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Geeky boy
Geeky boy
It doesn't matter. At least an intelligent gets attracted by you!
Message me when wanted.
on February 29, 2016
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Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.
995 subscribers 72 members
on February 29, 2016
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Qfeast Newcomers
Welcome to Qfeast! Meet other newcomers. Say welcome to the new qfeasters! Everyone is special on Qfeast!
1078 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on February 29, 2016