Chapter 4
It was Saturday, I was on my computer when all of a sudden an error message popped up.
"File cannot be saved to this device, please try again later." I groaned, slammed the laptop screen down and got up to go downstairs.
"Mom!" I screamed hoping for a response.
"Yes sweetie?"
I ran into the kitchen to greet mom with a big hug, she loved my hugs.
on June 07, 2014
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Chapter 3
"That's insane Jessica!" screamed Dad, I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table.
"But Dad its a great idea!" I argued
"No, no and no Jess!" Dad set a plate of food in front me.
I ate dinner silently tonight, Mom and Dad didn't eat since they were going on, date night.
I was slightly happy about date night, gave me an extra two hours to work on my plan.
While mom was in the shower, singling horribly and loudly to the shower head I went up to my room.
Dad knocked on my door, "Hey kiddo?" He...
on June 06, 2014
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on June 06, 2014
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on June 05, 2014
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Jess and the Apple - The Story About Weight Loss
Coming Soon!!! ^.^
on June 05, 2014
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on March 07, 2014
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on March 07, 2014
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