orangeade's Starred Questions

orangeade has 13 starred questions
give me names for a hopeless MC
Main character who does nothing but die at the end
4 / 0
Own Character Auditions for New Story!
First of all, thank you for clicking! Second, hello and welcome! This is a chance to get one of your OCs featured in a interactive story I've been wanting to write. It's a short 'horror' (give or take) story where the reader, y...
16 / 9
upvote peoples answers to this question. it gives u reputation points.
There was a little confusuion about this, but you get reputation points when someone upvotes your answer to a question. i know its not very clear in the title. sorry about that.
27 / 293
Where are the geeks and the nerds?
I'm such a geek and a nerd, lol. So, where are all of my fellow geeks and nerds??
19 / 7
What is your oppinion on religion?
Waffle pie ceiling fan pizza tree house
7 / 0
What was your first Anime/manga you read/watched?
lol Mine was Peach girl, it was a really good anime series :) to tell you the truth~
72 / 16
Good usernames
If you think of a username post it here for people to use.
7 / 1
Why did you choose your username?
48 / 4
How Will The World End?
There are some things in life that we may never find out. One of them is how the world will end. What do you guys think?
13 / 11
What's your favorite song by Katy Perry?
Mine is Roar (don't judge me)
6 / 2
how do you say "excuse me"? (1)
19 / 17
How do you feel for gay relations?
I wanna know what your opinion is!
139 / 528