A wise young soul once said "you are perfectly imperfect" and those words cannot have any more truth to them. Everyone is perfect in their own way no matter what others say. I am so very blessed to have that wonderful young lady in my life. She may constantly fight to survive another day and life may throw curveballs to knock her down and people may be incredibly disrespectful but she has the strength and courage to carry on. Despite these problems you face, so should you. There See More is always light at the end of a dark tunnel. If you keep chugging away, you are sure to find it and people will be here with you every step at a way even if they are the unknown. Imperfections make us who we are today. Without them, who would we even be? If it was possible to be perfect, there would be no excitement. No pain. No growth. No acts of stupidity. No power. Nothing that defines us as human beings. This world would no longer exist either. My point is you need to look at yourself and say "I am strong. I am beautiful inside and out. I feel pain. I make mistakes. That is all okay. There is no one I would rather be than I me." Sorry for this long post but you must remember to be yourself because everybody else is always taken and accept your flaws as they come. If you want to change them, it is not to be perfect. It is to become a stronger person than you were yesterday. Never ever forget your worth. ❤️
on July 17, 2015

You people have to watch your punctuation. There is a huge (and disturbing) difference between "I ate Grandma" and "I ate, Grandma"... ?
on July 15, 2015

Geez. So many people are standing up to these stupid immature little bigots yet they just won't stop. What's wrong with letting someone happily and freely live their own life?
on July 06, 2015

Oh! A complete stranger actually took the time to give a bigot a piece of her mind when she wasn't even involved and it's absolutely brilliant! Guess there is still hope left in this world after all!
on July 02, 2015

I read that you like superheroes... So, DC or Marvel?
on July 02, 2015

If any of you think transgender and transsexual are the same or always go together, just stop. In short, TG is what your brain perceives. TS is how you feel your body should be. Got it? Someone can be born female, identify as female and believe their body should be a man's. Likewise, someone can be born male and believe they are a female but still desire a "man's body". It may not happen all too often but they certainly should not be excluded. Thank you.
on July 02, 2015

When are people finally going to start calling others by their respectful names THEY want? Real names don't need to be documented for proof unless you go to some junction which needs proper identity like banks and social security offices and drivers license bureaus, etc. It's what you choose that works for you (within reason). If someone is non-binary and has a name that is too fitting with their birth sex which they can't understandably stand, their chosen name is indeed real. See More Too many times, people are depleted because they are not who society wants them to be. But news flash, buddy. Society doesn't matter! It's what you see yourself as that truly matters! It just pisses me off when people are the only reason why others can't truly be themselves and happy. Worried they will get so much shit for it or attacked or will be hated for nothing more than that. Grow up already!
on June 28, 2015

They say transgender doesn't exist. It's like being white but saying you're black. None of these sites have reliable information. Being gay is disgusting. I don't know what I am (being that I'm not straight.) Someone who is asexual can only be into the same sex as a companion. I'd need to be diagnosed for them to believe it. It's official. I have no family and too many in this world are a bunch of nitwits. Hooray... (NOT!)
on June 21, 2015

Why are you obsessed with getting people to see your moronic opinions as being the right way? Do you want to move to California now to shoot every lgbt+ folk dead? Would the world be such a better place without all us gays surrounding the place just trying to be accepted? Do you really believe what you talk about are even real Catholic views? Enough is enough! You offend almost everyone here whether they are part of this or not! Just leave us the hell alone already!!?
on June 07, 2015

Good grief! Could everyone please just stop labeling others? If they want a label and for it to be public, they will say so themselves!
on June 05, 2015

If anyone sees this, I apologize for the rant or any disagreements.. Apparently my mother hates homosexuals including myself yet is a fan of Ellen and accepts my brother for going both ways even though she too has been with a woman in her younger years. You people are too confusing. Either you need to accept everyone or nobody. This is not something where you can choose who to be fine with and who not. That goes for all you lgbt members out there too. No hating on the stereotypical See More ones or those too afraid to come out. Why is it so rare to find people who honestly do not judge others like this?
on April 18, 2015

I don't understand why these straight guys think lesbian couples would love to get down and dirty with them. There is no enjoyment of men anywhere in there, it's totally rude, completely unnecessary and disgusting. What is this world coming to nowadays?
on April 07, 2015