Milea's Pages

Milea has 11 published pages
Your Emoji emotion
What's your emotion right now? Share it with a little emoji and explain why! It will be a pleasure to chat with you! (Here's your emojis: :)/:D/:I/T_T/:(/:'(/xD/x)/xP/:3/O.O/:'D/x.x/O///O/>///</^^/=^.^=/<3.<3/>:(/>:)/>:3 and more!
12 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Your wallpaper
What picture is your wallpaper? iPod, iPhone, Tablet, computer... I want to know!
17 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Your worst fear when you were kid
The title all says xD What was you worst fear(s) when you were a little kid? :3
27 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Creepypasta chat
Me: Come chat with the creepypastas! Im sure they want to know more about you! // Jeff: Yeah! To kill you! // Me: No! Shüt up! >.<
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Yeah right...
Come share with us your weird moments of the day! Don't forget to finish your sentence with : Yeah right... ! xD
18 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Lost in our fears - Characters!
This is a page for my new story : Lost in our fears! If you want to be in, just ask! Just remember : Maybe your OC's gonna die, or maybe not xD; this story includes SONIC CHARACTERS/OCs so if you don't have anyone, sorry! And m...
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Creepypastas fangirls (>3<)
Creepypastas fangirls! o(^3^)ノBecause I KNOW that you fangirl one of these one! Just share with us your feelings ( ►_◄ )-c<*_*; )
17 subscribers 3 members fully opened
Sonic OC drawing contest
Here you can post photos of your OC and win! There will be a different theme at each week. You must post your Sonic OC's drawing during the week. For your drawing is accepted, you have to post it on time, you must have respecte...
10 subscribers 3 members fully opened
Sonic Adoption
Here you can adopt a "Sonic" xD hope you'll enjoy to adopt kids! :3 :D
27 subscribers 1 member fully opened
WTF Sonic photos
There's so many photos of Sonic on internet, but sometimes, some photos are just ''WTF?''. So I'll share with you my WTF Sonic photos! x)
15 subscribers 5 members
Sonic fans <3
Hi there! This is a page only for Sonic fans! So if you know WHO is Sonic and you like him... You can post here now! <3
20 subscribers 3 members fully opened