Well this is awkward. After 4ish years not being active at all on this site I come back and find my account still perfectly set up. Stories that I had honestly forgotten about still sitting here waiting to be worked on and finished, the craziest thing though is that I still have 520 people following me. Well, I can't say for certain I will be back often at all seeing as I'm now an adult and have a job, but I'll trying being more active on this site, mainly cause I miss some of See More you and miss this site altogether. I'm just crossing my fingers that the constant drama from years ago will have died off so I don't end up abandoning this site once more. I will be on and off for a while so if you are someone who still frequents this site and follows me see these posts know I am trying to be active. Maybe. Again.
on June 11, 2019

Hello people who are still following me for some reason. I'm NOT back. I will pop onto the sight a little more frequently, but I've moved onto other sites. Not that I don't love you crazy nutjobs, but I'm mostly going to use this account for Role Playing. Other than that don't expect me to be on. For those few of you that are actually my friends, well YOU GUYS NEED TO MESSAGE ME MORE OFTEN OR SOMETHING! ARE YOU ALL DEAD! SHOULD I BE PLANNING FUNERALS?!?! I'LL ACTUALLY COME ON See More TO SEE WHAT YOU HAD TO SAY TO ME.
So yeah... okay... I'm gonna just... bye.
So yeah... okay... I'm gonna just... bye.
on June 02, 2017

Uh, hai! Just dropping by to say hello and uh, long time no chat or RP >3<

You know... I haven't been active at all for a long time now. Sorry for just now responding to you. And yeah, it's been a long time.
on June 02, 2017
on April 17, 2017

Hello everyone! I'm just doing random stuff on my account. I've added a story, that isn't actually a story. So go ahead and take a look if you are interested, it is only on my profile though. I also may be deleting some of my pages in the next few days and creating news ones that I'll be much more active on. Nice to post again. Also how has everyone been? I know I haven't been totally active lately but I tend to fix that, only I'll be on late in the day thanks to classes taking See More up varying amounts of time in my day. And loads of homework.
on March 02, 2017

I haven't been active much lately. I have been busy with my schoolwork. Lets just say homework doesn't go away in College. I will try to be active a bit more, but seeing as I am currently in school and writing as much as possible on my free time I don't know how active I can really be. Thanks everyone who is following me, even though I like never active anymore.
on February 07, 2017

Just got back from my vacation to Disney World. So much fun! Got tan. I haven't said thanks in a long time to you my wonderful followers. 550 and counting. I remember when I was happy just to reach 5. I love all of you and hope you are having great vacations or whatever you are doing this time of the year. I plan to be active more often... unless I find a job... so I look forward to chatting with some of you!
on June 27, 2016

I get to graduate today! So happy! The day has finally come! Not going to be online for a couple of days!
on June 09, 2016

YAYYAYAYAYAYAY! I finally did it!!!! I'm 17 and I finally semi-learned how to snap my fingers! I've been so tormented! Now I can somewhat do it too!
on June 02, 2016

Hello, LunarMn
on May 13, 2016

So yesterday was the anniversary of my Grandpapa's death. I'll miss him, but I know he'll always watch over our family.
on May 11, 2016