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Qfeast Questions & Answers
The Official Qfeast Q&A page. Don't forget to read the FAQ at !
866 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on October 07, 2014
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Quiz Ideas
Talk about the hottest quiz topics around. Share and discuss quiz ideas!
871 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on October 07, 2014
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Review My Story, Please!
Looking for opinions or advises about your story? Just post your story link here
408 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on October 07, 2014
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The Story Writers' Circle
Writers, come in. Talk about your stories, writing and the technicalities of writing, any advice you need, critique
513 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on October 07, 2014
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Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.
998 subscribers 72 members
on October 07, 2014
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Lightingdays's Photo 0
on October 07, 2014