Inactive_leave's Page Subscriptions - Page 5

Inactive_leave is subscribed to 91 pages
Honesty Page
Ask questions, talk, think out loud... No matter what, though, everyone has to be 100% honest. This is for all of you Candors out there. Enjoy!
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Be Happy, Smile, and Let It Go
Are you feeling down? Are you upset? Do you just need a reason to smile? Come to this page for support, love, encouragement, and a reason to smile.
10 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Describe yourself in one picture
Not a pic of you, you friend or any drawing you think is cool but an actually pic, anime or not, that describes you perfectly :D please not hateful comments
47 subscribers 1 member fully opened
High School RP (1)
Welcome to Avenrough Prep, a school that your parents have paid thousands to send you to. Have fun and learn! (Yeah, like ANYONE'S gonna do that.)
16 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Two Truths and A Lie
Im bored. I wanna play a game and QFeast is boring cuz no one will talk to me so, what else am I supposed to do?
14 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Cat RP
RP as a cat. Annoy humans. Annoy other cats. Annoy everything in general. Break things. Be lazy. Meow. =^.^=
18 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Standing together (Zombie RP page)
So this is a page where you can RP a zombie apocalypse. Few things to note: These zombies are based off 28 days Later and Day Z so they can be killed with body hits, but can be alot faster than normal ones. Don't do this: "Need...
10 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
this page is for puns, post pictures or type puns you've heard, have fun :)
31 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Warrior cats RP!
This is the warrior cats RP page! Where you can make your own warriors. And own clans (if you want). Hope you enjoy!
29 subscribers 3 members fully opened
That Odd Moment When...
An open page for everyone to be able to post their awkward, awesome, or even embarrassing moments so we can all smile and learn to laugh at ourselves :D
6 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Little "Me" Moments
This page is for those funny little things that you do. Things you can write include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Awkward moments. 2) Little kid stories. 3) Sibling stories. 4) Funny habits. 5) Your quotes. RULES...
14 subscribers 1 member fully opened