GalacticBiRavenclaw's Photo: 224 / 501

How did "You find $10 on the floor. What do you buy?" become "U got 10 on the floor what do u buy?"

i think they are just being themselves laid back just being on the computer where Grammar doesn't really matter. it's fine it's not the end of the world.
on November 18, 2015
Okay, could you not? Not everyone will be a super master quiz maker like you. They're probably new, and instead of trying to help them, you criticize them. Please stop.
Thing is, if you're so concerned, you'll help instead of casting judgement. Seemingly, you expect people to perfect on their first try. Not going to happen. This person did what they tried to do. Even if they didn't put effort into, that's their own problem, not yours. In my opinion, you're acting as people can't screw up. Psh, no one is perfect, thus, you are See More▼
on November 18, 2015
@PucciPegasister, I am genuinely concerned about the future of the human race. What will become of us if the unintelligent humans eventually make up the majority of the population?
It makes me sad, literally sad, to see that these 9+ year olds cannot even stand to put effort into something so trivial as a social media quiz. If they ever have to do anything important, See More▼
on November 17, 2015
on November 17, 2015