Funnywarrior25's Polls
Funnywarrior25 published 120 polls

Who is Filipino/Filipina ? Then message me

Sexuality Private Poll

Do you think Mr. Trump payed someone to be president ?

Who would win Dumbledore from Harry Potter or Gwen from Ben 10 ?

Will you subscribe on Funnywarrior25 on YouTube ?
Dawaranwa Laka Airline llak balakhu orapnvu lakhugi laku giwavuhavuhavu? ?
Which internet browser do you like more: Chrome or Firefox?
Anyone going to use Yara Language ?

Do you ship Triston and Miles ?
Do you agree Windows 8.1 just should be called Windows 9 ?

Should I get Sims 4 ?

Do you ship Kelli Berglund and Billy Unger ?
What do you use to watch your anime on ?

Who as this T-Shirt ?
What Internet browser do you use ?

Should I get Sims 3 for PC

Which Windows version do think is the best ?
Should I get Animal Jam