EclipsedWolf13 - Page 10

If you're reading this;thanks.I just want to say sorry if I ever come off as annyoing or anything,I'm just like that.Im also pretty cringy honestly. . . .Anyway,that's enough of my See More▼
created a poll
Anime or Real Life?
Real Life
Is that even...
Real Life,no...
42 votes 15
on October 29, 2015
asked a question
What anime would you recommend?
Hey everyone!Dose anyone know of a really great anime to watch.Lately I've been running short on them and I wanted to find more but let's face it,the internet and videos play mean tricks so here we are.Anyway I've become obsess...
12 / 1
on October 28, 2015
asked a question
What makes you obsessed?
I'm talking about shows,books,and/or music.Mine obsessions are anime,books,music,and writing.Right now I'm obsessed with an anime:OHSHC.Its soo entertaining.
3 / 0
on October 24, 2015
asked a question
Who do you ship or is your OTP(s)?
OTP is One True Paring(Sorry if I spelt it wrong).I,for example,am one for Starco and Pennashi.What's yours?
5 / 1 profile question
on October 18, 2015
asked a question
How do you know when someone really likes you?
I know,stupid question,but I wanted to see what everyone else thought.
1 / 0
on October 11, 2015
created a poll
Do you like cliches?
Yes,I love them
Hate them
+ 3 more
32 votes 4
on October 11, 2015
created a poll
Do you like conspiracies?
Yes!I love t...
I like them.
+ 3 more
10 votes 1
on October 06, 2015
asked a question
Who are your favorite creators/writers/ect.?
I'm talking about the people who've played part in your favorite shows,books,songs,anime songs,anime,games,and so on.Mine?Three of them are obviously Alex Hirsch for Gravity Falls and his voice acting,Rebeca Sugar for Steven Un...
0 / 0
on October 05, 2015
asked a question
What shows do you watch that others think are just for kids?
I'm talking about shows like Penn Zero,Steven Universe,Star VS The FOE,Gravity Falls(These are not just for kids,BTW).I love all of these and I was just curious to see what you guys liked.
4 / 0
on October 03, 2015
asked a question
Why do you think you cry?
I cry when I'm sad and when I feel defenseless.Like you know when someone older than you calls you stupid or something and you can't talk back or you'll get grounded or something.
7 / 0
on October 01, 2015
created a poll
How dense are you?
I'm not dens...
+ 8 more
12 votes 2
on September 26, 2015
asked a question
What is your reaction when someone asks you out?
I'd first ask 'Are you serious?' and than 'Is this a prank?'.I can't help but believe someone is pranking me if I get asked out.
6 / 1
on September 24, 2015
created a poll
Are you more afraid of things that are logical or just crazy?
Logical things.
I'm in the m...
I'm afraid o...
I'm not afra...
25 votes 8
on September 23, 2015
created a poll
Team Stan or Team Ford?
Team Stan!
Team Ford!
I can't chose!
Team Bill! (...
13 votes 6
on September 22, 2015
asked a question
What did you think of the season finale of Star Vs The FOE?
It melted me!On my god!It was amazing!I can't believe what happened!
0 / 0
on September 22, 2015
created a poll
Have you've ever been told you couldn't like something?
I don't thin...
No,and if ev...
+ 1 more
36 votes 4
on September 20, 2015
on September 20, 2015
created a poll
Do you think opposites attract?
I'm not sure...
25 votes 2
on September 19, 2015
asked a question
Have you ever heard of Don't Stay in School?
I saw it on TheFineBros react video and instantly loved it.It told so much truth,I swear it's amazing!If you hate it don't comment on it,please.I men imagine how much work it took to make those lyrics and rap them.
3 / 0 profile question
on September 16, 2015
asked a question
Do you like the Total Drama series?
Me?I LOVE it.Im already shipping like almost all the characters that have a crush.
5 / 0
on September 16, 2015