DarkFlame1000 - Page 9

Without Darkness one cannot know light
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
The Pocket
The Pocket
My family and I just moved into a new house about two months ago. I never got to explore the house fully. So one day when everybody was out I went into the basement with my radio and some CD's, I was looking at all the cracks on the walls, ceiling and floors. Then I noticed a painted area that was different from the other walls, it had a paper thin wall cover, so I punched through it. I saw a doll with a long tail with a ball at the end of it, it had a pocket for its back and two different co...
on January 26, 2016
asked a question
Who are you when no one's looking?
10 / 0
on January 26, 2016
on January 26, 2016
created a personality quiz
Which Lantern Corp Do You Belong To?
In brightest day, in blackest night… Figure out which lantern’s right.
66 responses 7
on January 25, 2016
created a poll
Which Doctor is your favorite?
8 more
22 votes 5
on January 25, 2016
asked a question
What is Time?
Is it simply a steady stream of sand through the hour glass grain after grain slipping away as we feel our own eventual obsolescence creep ever closer... yet some people seem to find ways to do more with less time than others c...
5 / 5
on January 24, 2016
on January 24, 2016
asked a question
Are humans better at creation or destruction?
on January 24, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Fading to Black
Fading to Black
I was with a few friends of mine, looking around in my home town. We were, at the time, into all of that "paranormal" stuff. All we wanted was to find something, evidence of... Well, we didn't quite know. So, we were a few blocks away from my house, at the creek down the street. Now this creek always had a heartbeat, so we thought it may have been a good place to look. Now, for the "Heartbeat", I'll get back to that in a minute.

The creek lead out of a sewer. We called it the "Creek of Death...
on January 23, 2016
asked a question
on January 23, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
A Knock on the Window
A Knock on the Window
I lay in my bed, restless and alone, on a dark and silent night. I toss and turn in my bed, trying to find a comfortable spot, but I feel uneasy. Something about tonight just didn’t feel right. I toss and turn until I finally find a comfortable position.

I close my eyes, but it doesn’t make a difference, it’s too dark in my room to see a thing anyways. I guess it takes time for my eyes to adjust to darkness. I lay there, still and silent on a dark and dank night. My body is relaxed, my mind ...
on January 22, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
I was never one of the popular kids in school; actually, I had no friends. There seemed to be something about me, an aura or something, that kept people away. I wasn’t always friendless; I used to play with the kids from my neighborhood all the time. We would play tag, street hockey, soccer, baseball, all kinds of games. I miss those days. It all changed the day before my thirteenth birthday.

I got into a fight with my parents about something so stupid I can’t even remember what it was about...
on January 22, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Broadcast Interruption
Broadcast Interruption
You might already have heard of the TV broadcast hijacking in Seneca, South Carolina; the story’s gained pretty wide currency on the Internet, and part of the broadcast is available on youtube, assuming it hasn’t been taken down for whatever reason. For the uninitiated, the Seneca hijacking is one of the lesser-known broadcast signal intrusions. It was big news here, but the nation news media barely touched on it. Anyway, I’ve decided to jot down my impressions of the whole thing, even though...
on January 22, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
The Expressionless
The Expressionless
In June 1972, a woman appeared in Cedar Senai hospital in nothing but a white, blood-covered gown.

Now this, in itself, should not be too surprising as people often have accidents nearby and come to the nearest hospital for medical attention, but there were two things that caused people who saw her to vomit and flee in terror.

The first being that she wasn't exactly human. She resembled something close to a mannequin, but had the dexterity and fluidity of a normal human being. Her face was ...
on January 22, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Emotional Acting
Emotional Acting
Ever since I was in kindergarten, my dream was to become an actor. Unlike most other people, I followed my dream. In school, if any acting opportunity was to arise I would jump on it instantly. In drama, I shot to the top of the class and after that I studied Acting for my Bachelor’s Degree. I aced it.

I lived in Manchester, UK for most of my childhood. After I finished university there were little to no acting jobs available, and auditions that were available someone else would get. However...
on January 22, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
The Strangest Security Tape I've Ever Seen
The Strangest Security Tape I've Ever Seen
I work at a gas station in rural Pennsylvania. It's a boring job, but it's pretty easy and it pays all right. A few weeks ago, this new guy started; I'll call him Jeremy.
Jeremy is weird. He's about 25 or 26, and he hardly speaks, but he's got the creepiest laugh I've ever heard. My boss and I have both noticed this, but it's never been a problem, so there's not much we can do about it. Customers have never complained about him, and he's always done his job fairly well. Up until a few weeks a...
on January 22, 2016
Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling - Studio C (Original)
Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling - Studio C (Original)
A soccer match between the Yale Bulldogs and the North Carolina Tar Heels comes down to Scott Sterling and the most epic penalty kick shootout you'll ever se...
on January 22, 2016
created a personality quiz
Could you survive a Saw trap?
Hello people of qfeast I want to play a game the rules are simple all you have to do is answer these questions if you can answer them all we may see if you have what it takes to survive
71 responses 14
on January 21, 2016
asked a question
Are there female leprechauns?
3 / 1
on January 21, 2016
asked a question
Could crop circles be the work of a serial killer?
on January 21, 2016