DarkFlame1000 - Page 11

Without Darkness one cannot know light
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
By the Edge of the water
By the Edge of the water
I never loved my step-brother. Truthfully, I couldn’t even say I liked him. But by no means did he deserve his fate, whatever it may have been. I'm putting my memories to paper now, as best as I can recall them, before the pills and therapy snatch them away forever.
We became family when I was only 6 years of age. My mother died when I was barely out of infancy, and my father, in loneliness and grief, turned towards the first woman who showed an inkling of interest, or at least, tolerance. Af...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Lone Stones
Lone Stones
Out in the woods, you’ve seen them, there are stones. Nothing grows about them, grass stays short, and the birds keep quiet and don’t fly over. Even though the trees bend away, no sun shines on them, and they're always cold as ice, late in the night you can see a mist slipping off them and across the grass. You know what those rocks are John (me)?

I was young, younger than you, when a friend and I got the bright idea to go out on Samhain and sit across from the rock, as far away as we could ...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
The worst thing I’ve ever done in my life happened about twelve years ago, when I was a sixteen year old kid living in Cleveland, Ohio. It was the early fall, when the leaves were just starting to turn orange and the temperatures were starting to fall, hinting at the freezing chill that was only a few months away. School had just started, but it had been going on for about a month now, so all the excitement of going back and reuniting with old friends had been replaced by the realization that...
on January 14, 2016
I hope you guys are enjoying the creepypasta stories I have alot more to share
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
LSD: Dream Emulator
LSD: Dream Emulator
A few years ago, while searching on x for Paranormal or Creepy games, I came across an obscure Japanese Playstation game, called "LSD: Dream Emulator." Despite the game releasing in extremely limited numbers, many ROM sites had it available for download. Naturally, I downloaded it, converted it, and started playing.

Unfortunately, the ISO was corrupted - or incorrectly ripped - as I couldn't get any further than the title screen and, when I did, all I saw was a mess of color and heard a str...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Tales of the Krampus
Tales of the Krampus
Our universe is built upon the number two. In our cells, DNA is composed of two helical threads, matter has its opposite, antimatter. Computers run on a code built on two digits - one and zero.

Likewise, religions are built around good and evil, two forces that oppose each other in both action and purpose. God has his counterpart, Satan. Jesus has his opposite, the Anti-Christ. This pattern even shows up in polytheistic religions; Thor has his counterpart, Loki, and the Olympian gods in Gre...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Bubby the Clown
Bubby the Clown
This is a story about Bubby the Clown.

Bubby wasn't like other clowns.

He was evil, cruel, and disgusting.

He was a demon.

He was also a cannibal.

Bubby would look funny and cute, like most clowns that come to children birthday parties or at the circus. That's so he can get his prey. Eventually, he would turn on you. Turning into a monster that is unstoppable. His teeth would grow long, sharp and pointy, with gums torn and black. His fingers turn into claws, all bloody and crooked a...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Mr. Mix
Mr. Mix
Does anyone remember an old PC game from the early 1990s called "Mr. Mix''? It's mainly a typing game, similar to Mario Teaches Typing, where you have to type words into a box to make a chef (the titular Mr. Mix) put ingredients into a bowl.

Unlike most typing games, however, this game is notorious for having an insane difficulty curve. The game has a "Words per Minute" requirement for each level, being as low as 10 on level one and as high as 85 on the third. By level five, the requirement...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
Tourist Trap
Tourist Trap
In rural Wisconsin, there is an old abandoned park. Built in the 1920s, it served as the town’s gathering place for everyone.

That is, until a newly developed Train and Tunnel for Tots ride was installed in 1932. It was an innocent looking childish train, with one main (mechanized) head car, with three small trolleys pulled behind it. It went around some loops before going into a small tunnel.

But this is where the story gets weird. There were numerous cases of child deaths that year, all...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
In the middle of February, I was in high school and I was the one to bring computers in for fixing. It was a part time job I would suppose, but I regret being that person. It was the end of the first semester. After leaving school, right at the bus stop, a fairly old looking man stopped me asking for a favour. I said “Alright,” and he showed me a brand new laptop. He offered it to me and said “I have a problem with my webcam, I have brought it to specialists but they don’t seem to know the pr...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
They say that the hour of three A.M. is the time when spirits can become active, and I’m sure of that. My apartment was always a little too quiet for one in the city, especially at night. No drunk shouting in the street at that time, no sound of car horns and alarms could penetrate the dark at that particular hour.

It’s like my apartment was high on a platform, surrounded only by a dense fog that the sharpest of hawk eyes couldn’t penetrate. I was usually attempting to sleep at that time, a...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
They Come
They Come
There's no doubt about it: We fear rain. We wear our trenchcoats, and our umbrellas, and all that, to avoid getting hit by some lousy droplets of water.

But what is it that makes us fear it? It's not something we learn, it's something deep, that resonates within us.

An unexplainable repulsion towards getting ourselves wet during a downpour. It is not a learnt fear. It's instinctive.

Instinct. A small word for such a huge idea.

I've lived in the countryside for 4 months now, and am now...
on January 14, 2016
created a poll
Marvel vs DC Which do you like more
12 votes 0
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
My friends, this story is absolutely true. The identities have been changed to protect the individuals within. But the story itself remains true. This is the testimony of one of the only two people on this planet who witnessed these events. Me.
In the summer of 2005 I met a girl. Emma was my first serious girlfriend, and I found myself caring for her a great deal rather quickly. She had a personality unlike any other girl I had met, and it intrigued me. She was smart, pretty, and kind of odd ...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
The Clifton Bunny Man
The Clifton Bunny Man
The tale of the Bunny Man goes back many many years. Originally it didn't start until 1931, after many murders had already been committed. For verification of the story, you can visit the "Old Clifton Library" located in Clifton, Northern Virginia, USA. What I am about to tell you is entirely true, although I've never seen the Bunny Man, everyone in Clifton believes it to be true.

(Quick reference to help you understand the story)
The Bridge has a 1 lane car road passing underneath a dual ...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
The Russian Sleep Experiment
The Russian Sleep Experiment
Russian researchers in the late 1940s kept five people awake for fifteen days using an experimental gas based stimulant. They were kept in a sealed environment to carefully monitor their oxygen intake so the gas didn't kill them, since it was toxic in high concentrations. This was before closed circuit cameras so they had only microphones and 5 inch thick glass porthole sized windows into the chamber to monitor them. The chamber was stocked with books, cots to sleep on but no bedding, running...
on January 14, 2016
added a new chapter to Scary Stories (2)
The Thing That Stalks the Fields
The Thing That Stalks the Fields
It was a few weeks ago that the hay bales started creeping slowly away from the house. Every morning when I woke up, each had moved a few hundred feet from where it was before. I assumed it was pranksters with nothing better to do, so I ignored it.

Within a few days, though, the bales began to approach the boundaries of the farm. I was tired of the whole game by then, and decided to move them back. It took a tedious hour to bring them all from where they were to over near the house again, a...
on January 13, 2016
asked a question
on January 13, 2016
created a poll
Which zodiac sign is yours?
8 more
11 votes 4 profile poll
on January 13, 2016