Danihg_Zuhn_Bagoon's Favorite Stories

Danihg_Zuhn_Bagoon has 3 story marked as favorite
The taste of loneliness
Close your eyes. Forget the pain, you are forgotten you will never get the one thing you want. Shadows lurk, wandering everywhere. Looking for someone to devour... Leaving nothing but cold blooded killers...
7 reads 6 readers 0
Black Phoenix
In this Fantasy styled on going book Gazi llargia (SourMoon) looks for her well needed trainer. But will she?
6 reads 6 readers 3
Blind to the darkness
Cold it was so cold, dark it was so dark. Even though being blind she saw none of this she saw her friend. Staggering with pain in her joints blood seeped into her clothes darkness and pain in her eyes.
5 reads 4 readers 0