Adderstar's Starred Questions

Adderstar has 5 starred questions
What are your favorite Fall Out Boy songs?
I love Fall Out Boy. My favorite songs are: Alone Together, Immortals, Irresistible, and Light em up.
12 / 10
Whos your all time favorite creepypasta?
Just wanting to know { you: well ok then! }
11 / 0
What's your most searched thing on google?
Mine's derp... I have no idea why...
24 / 19
How long have you loved your fandoms?
8 / 8
Who wants a facepalm button on qfeast?
Sometimes there are comments that you read them and you think 'Sweet Mother Of God!!' or other thing.Don't you want a facepalm button for those situations?
199 / 496