
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Thrift Shop by Mackelmore and Lewis
You that girl who hangs out with guys and is a rebel. You love rapping
on November 22, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
on November 22, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Ginger Nut Cookie
GIRL:Ok, your child will be a ginger, perhaps full red ginger or blonde ginger. She will have freckles, and either greeny brown eyes or grey eyes. She will have freckles, and being a ginger, might have pale skin that's hard to tan. Her hair could be rather thin. Her figre might be a bit of a plank-figure, where your straight up down with tiny curves.
BOY: Your child will be ginger, with freckles, he will have grey eyes. Pale skin thats hard to tan, he might be a bit on the small side!
on November 22, 2016