yumenikkifan101's Questions
yumenikkifan101 asked 40 questions

opinions on my waterbottle it Has seiko and mary

opinions on yuzu and kiara (little_bird and mysterious_wolf) please give me an explanation

wwyd if u met me irl jumping on the #bandwagon
if you had the ability to change into any character who would it be? yea

what is your favorite comfort character quote? so like what is something your comfort c...

What do you think of me...? (2) app guy

favorite App guy quote App guy? App guy yell? App guy crood? App guy canto? Take this q...

Opinions app Guy? App guy
WAHT ARE YOUR nicknames for me fart

estella hellpark tell me

Favourite Estella?

ur opinions on estella sorry i post the same shit over and over i just really miss estella
what U think of MEEE estella wife ? i am sexy estella wife

what is ur opinions on estella havisham from hellpark? she is my wife pls answr

who is sexier? estella havisham hellpark (juicy, sweet, good flavor) or aftons (rusty c...
Get advice from me in November itll be a year
get ADVICE FROM me Mabel (3)

Ask sodpadkestellaismywofe420 adive anything It will be. Itll be a year. itll be a yea...

whats ur opinions on skit. i need rep points so i can be rid of ads and Skit is an ad s...