on August 09, 2015

That awkward moment when you sing the words to a song wrong...with confidence.

I do that all the time...I mix up two lines and just keep going like I don't give a crap
on July 29, 2014

My sister does that all the time it is hilarious! My other sister just lowers her voice when she doesn't the the words. Me on the other hand just hum.
on July 24, 2014
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when you see your waiter carrying a tray of food and you think its yours then....he passes you.:(

on July 07, 2014
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when you stub your toe or like drop your pancakes and you're all like SON OF A B---issccuutt. So mom, how was your day?
on February 02, 2015
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when your taking a test and your teacher stands over your shoulder so you just doodle on the corner of your paper...
on July 06, 2014

That freakish moment of X-ing out of all the windows when someone walks behind you while your online.:-O
on July 06, 2014

xKenziex added a new chapter to thebasement
(a/n soo soorryy im back now k?)
They both looked at me confused. "Are you serious?" Asher asked. Then he walked towards me and whispered in my ear, his breath hot on my neck. "I don't want to lose you." Before i knew what i was doing my arms were around him. "Then come with me."
**Time bounce**
Amber's hands shook as She opened the door to the basement. This was to much for her. My heart was pounding but i grabbed my friends and we plunged into the darkness.
It was different than before.... Read Full Chapter
They both looked at me confused. "Are you serious?" Asher asked. Then he walked towards me and whispered in my ear, his breath hot on my neck. "I don't want to lose you." Before i knew what i was doing my arms were around him. "Then come with me."
**Time bounce**
Amber's hands shook as She opened the door to the basement. This was to much for her. My heart was pounding but i grabbed my friends and we plunged into the darkness.
It was different than before.... Read Full Chapter
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when a six year old asks about one of the dirty jokes one of your friends just made...

That IS awkward. One time I was looking up something that was only for my age and higher and then my little sis came over and asked what all of it meant...and if I didn't explain it she would ask mom or dad. That's why I do all of my private stuff in my room and lock the door...
on July 24, 2014
on July 06, 2014

on April 27, 2014