's Page Subscriptions is subscribed to 3 pages
Wise Sayings of the Day
lol, hey it's lauren. I was super bored, and like, no one was on, so I'm like, lets post some random wise sayings that we made up on this page, and then like just message and talk and be here it is:
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Qfeast News
Check out the latest news & updates from Qfeast: new features, tips & tricks, most popular items. Welcome to the official Qfeast News Page!
1157 subscribers 1 member
YouTube Picks 4 The Day
I will post 10 YouTube videos each day, and you can comment them. Only subscribe though, because I won't accept membership requests, and you can't post videos until you confirm with me :) Anyways, enjoy this!
14 subscribers 1 member fully opened