Warriors Flames burning, The sight of a new way, book one

Ok so for anyone who actually reads the disc. this is a rewrite and the old story is not published anymore!

published on February 11, 201733 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Chapter Four

        It had been one moon since the tour of the territory, and it was early noon. Warm sun filled the forest and with brought a light mood through out the clan. Elders were out sunning with some of the queens, every cat looked well fed since New leaf had brought plenty of fresh kill.
Flamingpaw was grooming himself next to Tumblepaw, a pale brown tom who was a older apprentice. "Hey Flamingpaw want to finish this blackbird for me?" Tumblepaw passed over the prey, "the prey's been huge and I don't think I can finish this one". Flamingpaw nodded, "I haven't ate yet, so sure. Thanks Tumblepaw!". Tumblepaw flicked his tail in response, "So have you heard?". "What?" Flamingpaw ate the Blackbird quickly. "Volestar is going to make some new apprentices soon" Tumblepaw meowed, "Swallowfur's kits should be six moons by now". Flamingpaw glanced at the nursery where Swallowfur's kits were pretending to fight against Flame Clan, "Hopefully I'm back in time to see their ceremony!". "I'm sure Volestar wouldn't start ceremony without you!" Tumblepaw smiled, "So, you excited for your first Border patrol?". Flamingpaw shivered with excitement, "You bet! What's it like?". "You'll find out, well it was nice talking to you. I've got a hunting patrol to go to!" Tumblepaw let out a laugh of amusement and padded away.
         As Flamingpaw got up and stretched Doeriver beckoned him over with her tail, Flamingpaw sprung over to her. Dewpaw and Flamewind were there too and a black furred tom with deep brown eyes, the tom had broad muscles and was big. "Rockthunder will be joining us on partol since we're doing the Flame Clan border" Doeriver nodded towards the big tom, "now let's go". Dewpaw and Flamingpaw padded behind their mentors while Rockthunder brought up the rear, "Wow, the Flame Clan border! We must be the luckiest apprentices in the whole forest! I bet we'll get to fight!". Flamingpaw shrugged, "I don't want to fight, I heard they are viscous fighters! Didn't you see them at the Gathering? All scowls and glares". "Just because we are going to Flame Clan's border doesn't mean they'll be trouble" Rockthunder had a deep voice. "Then why'd they bring you?" Dewpaw retorted. Rockthunder narrowed his eyes, "Because it's better to be safe than sorry".
         Flamewind held up his tail to signal silence, "Looks like we might have some trouble though". They patrol was behind a row of trees, through the gaps the cats saw a group of cats. Dewpaw bit back a snarl, "That's a Flame Clan patrol alright and on our territory hunting!".
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