Team Choatix's Point of View

hanged up. "Who was it?" Vector asked. "Some rich little girl lost her cat." Charmy answered. "Great! Let's go!" Vector said. "Get Espio up." Vector said. Charmy flew
over to Espio. "WAKE UP!" Charmy yelled shaking Espio. Espio woke up. "Come on Espio we got a mission!" Vector said. Espio followed Charmy and Vector out the door and into the woods. "Maybe the cat is stuck up in the tree." Espio suggested. "Good thinking Espio." Vector said. Vector lead the group into the woods. They heard a big gunshot. "What was that?" Charmy asked. "A gunshot." Espio said. "Come on. We need to see if anyone got hurt." Vector said. The ran towards the sound. "Um, you guys." Charmy said. Espio and Vector caught up to Charmy. They saw a purple half rabbit, half wolf girl in a blue and light blue dress wearing brown sandals. "Who is she?" Charmy asked. "More importantly, is she ok?" Espio said. "Espio, take her back to the house and me and Charmy will look for the cat." Vector said. "Fine." Espio said. Vector and Charmy went off to find the cat. Espio picked up the girl, bridal style, and carried her back to the house. He place down on the couch. The girl moaned. "She's going to be ok." Espio said to him self. He went to a corner to meditate. He waited a long time for the guys and the girl didn't wake up yet. "How long does it take to find a cat?" He asked him self. He looked up to check on the girl. "She's gone!"
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