The Beginning

My name is Ezra, Ezra the wolfbit. I am a rabbit and a wolf combined. The scientists reported to G.U.N. about me. Now, I'm hiding from G.U.N. and I am a element. I'm
the element air and each element is equipped with a emerald. My emerald is grey and this is where my story begins.
I was walking through the woods looking for some berries or something. I heard a rustle behind me. I jerked my head around and kept walking. "Freeze! Stay where you are!" I turned around and saw a G.U.N. Agent. He held a gun and pointed it at me. I took a step back. "Don't move or I'll have to shoot!" He yelled. "You don't have to shoot. You're just commanded to and you follow along." I said. He raised his gun. I waved my hands and pushed him back with heavy winds. I ran away in the opposite direction. "STOP! Freeze!" He yelled. He chased after me. I ran until into a dead end. "You're trapped. Surrender now." He demanded. I turned around and frowned. "I don't want to hurt you." I said. He raised his gun. I ran up to him and punched him in the jaw. "Why you little..." He said. He pointed his gun at me and pulled the trigger. Luckily, he missed, but my rabbit ears are super sensitive. The gun shot was so loud that I fainted. I fell backwards against a tree. I saw him run away to get the rest of his team, but that was the last thing I remember.
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