Survivor #2

Survivor #2

24 contestants, who will crown sole survivor? outwit, outlast, outplay. Also, this is not a copy of any other stories.

published on August 20, 201832 reads 7 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Immunity Challenge

Iris: alright everyone, today is immunity challenge day
Team 1
Yin Mei: hopefully we win today
Tanner: same, I don't want to go back to tribal council again
Furry: I agree
Blue Firey: let's do our best.
Team 2
Derp: at leazt wez foundz Woody nowz.
Iris: that's good, but your team will have to sit someone out for today's immunity challenge so that the teams are fair and you can't sit the same person in a back to back challenge
Midnight Rose: so, who wants to sit out today?
Lumerisk Parker: it depends on what the challenge is too
X-wing: well it can't be Woody because he was missing yesterday
Jaz: I'll sit out
Iris: ok Jaz, please take a seat over there please*points to a bench near the challenge*
Thomas: so, what is this challenge that you have for us?
Iris: both teams will hold a bag above their heads, at any moment you feel like your going to drop your bag, you can pass it to someone else on your team. First team or someone on that team to drop their bag, losses and that team will go to tribal council and will have to vote someone off their team. let's start the challenge.

Team 1
Thomas: this is too easy
Ivy: I'll like to see you say that in 10 minutes time, Thomas
Thomas: alright then
Yin Mei: what is in these bags?
Jeremy Fitzgerald: maybe sand
Tanner: let's try to keep focus on something
Furry: like what?
Blue Firey: anything as long as we don't drop the bags we are holding when I think we will be fine

Team 2
Woody: these bags are heavy
Neptune: don't complain
Derp: wellz, you arez thez one whoz burnt himz yezterday
Lumerisk Parker: true
Cindy: *is like a statue and as not move at all*
X-wing: Cindy is good at this
Kienoa: how is everyone doing?
Midnight Rose: good
Rc: good

10 minutes later
Thomas: still easy
Ivy: you sure about that?
Thomas: yes
Lucian Kane: *sees Furry starting to move a bit* do you want to pass your bag to someone, Furry?
Furry: yes please and I'm sorry everyone
Batim Hedgehog: don't maybe
Furry: *passes her bag to Scoot Lukas*

Team 2
Rc: can someone take this bag
Lumerisk Parker: I will take it
Woody: I think I going to drop it
Derp: doz you wantz to pazz it to zomeonez?
Woody: *passes his bag to Alyssa*
Alyssa: this is now a bit more difficult
X-wing: don't drop it Alyssa
Neptune: don't do it
Alyssa: *suddenly drops one of the bags and water pours over the whole team*

Iris: Team 1 wins Immunity Challenge
Blue Firey: good job everyone
Iris: so Team 2, tonight someone from your team will be voted out of Survivor. So I'll see you at tribal.
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Comments (4)

Alyssa: I mean, I feel bad that Woody was burnt by Neptune, but I vote out Woody. If it wasn't for him getting tired of holding his bag, I wouldn't have had to hold them both and drop them.

Lumerisk: I feel bad about Woody being burnt by Neptune, so I'll vote out Neptune.
on August 20, 2018
Neptune: I bet you ten bucks they’ll vote me out just because I burnt the stupid piece of bark. Im voting Derp, anyways.
on August 20, 2018
Rc: what do you say X-ie? Neptune?
X-wing: sure!
X-wing and RC: neptune
on August 20, 2018
Jaz: Neptune
Cindy: Neptune
on August 20, 2018