Life with sonic exe (rewritten!)

Life with sonic exe (rewritten!)

If you hate creepy pasta or you get scared easily and you don't like violent stuff I would highly and strongly recommend to leave right now

published on January 23, 201824 reads 8 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 4.
Act 4 New to the life of sonic exe

Act 4 New to the life of sonic exe

???:×comes out of a portal×huh? Why do I spawn in the middle of the snow storm  why!?!?!? Let's check out and see where I am ×walking around×never been here before
Sonic:hey you
???:AH!!!!×jumps×what the fu×k man!?
Sonic:sorry wait have I see you before
???:based on my memory  no×almost got shot by shadow exe×what the
Sonic:×punches shadow exe but he was too quick×
???:×runs away×
Shadow exe:get back here!
???:×jumps really high because of exo suit and grabs onto a tree and runs again×that's it×sees shadow exe and sonic exe and punches both of them×
Sonic exe:I'll take care of this get the other one
Shadow exe:got it×floats really fast to get sonic×
Sonic exe:are you new
Sonic exe:what's you're name
Keinoa:I'm Keinoa  freedom!!!!!!×shoulder tackles sonic exe×
Sonic exe:hey×floats and he stops going back
Keinoa:×shoots at sonic exe 2 mp5s and does a war cry×
Sonic exe:×teleports away×
Sonic:um are you okay
Keinoa:yeah just I hate killers
Sonic:let's find somewhere to live before we freeze
Keinoa:that's true  I being hate in the cold
Sonic:true me too
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Comments (1)

Mm. interesting XD
on February 08, 2018