Jeff the Killer

Jeff the Killer

Jane sees a fight with the school bully and the new guy fight. After a while things get a little too strange. what will happen to Jane?

published on June 15, 2016112 reads 38 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 5.
The doctor

The doctor

I had a better nurse this time. I frowned, as my eyes slightly opened. "Are you okay, dear?" The nurse asked.
I nodded. "Seems to be the guy who keeps sending you flowers sent you something else. Is he your boyfriend? Or just a lost lover who seems to love you?" Asked the nurse, as she handed my a gift.
"Actually, nobody is my boyfriend...." I began to mummer. "Gladly..." I said.
I grabbed the gift and there inside was a mask, and a dress with a white turtle neck. It also came with a kitchen knife with a note on it saying: You left your knife. Guessing you want it back.
The nurse also told me that my parents died... I began to cry. After I was done, I ran to the graves. I began to cry. My new name is "Jane the Killer," and "Don't fall asleep, or you'll never wake up Jeff." I swear I will hunt Jeff in tell he is dead.
I got to go for the hunt..... Bye.
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Comments (2)

OMGGGGGG this i like this but anyway good luck(igz)
on October 13, 2020
Hah! Good luck with hunting him! Probs never gonna kill him anyways..
on August 03, 2017