Qfeast Magazine Monthly

Qfeast Magazine Monthly

This is a qfeast magazine. I will update it monthly (or shall I do a new one?) I know there's other ones out there but pwease read mine :p

published on November 06, 2014101 reads 24 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Bonfire/firework night

If you live in England, it is bonfire night on the 5th of November! If you're in America, you're missing all the fun!! Bonfire night celebrates when Guy Fawkes tried, and failed, to blow up parliament. English people have fireworks and huge bonfires with a 'guy' on top. The sky is filled with beautiful colours and enormously loud noises. Just be careful around fireworks, as they are extremely dangerous. But make sure you have loads of fun as well!  You can be seriously damaged by fireworks so make sure the only ones you hold are sparklers. Even then, you have to wear gloves!
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