The Boarding School

The Boarding School

A teenage girl is sent to a boarding school for smart young female students. Everything was okay at first, till things started getting bad.

published on July 06, 201631 reads 5 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 5.


I start playing 'Call Of Duty-Black Ops II' on my playstation 3 in the living room, I didn't get frustrated when I died in the game this time. Till Aunt Lisa entered the room and told me to turn off the game.
"I'm sixteen! Who cares if I play this game?" I say, keeping calm.
"I care, it's too violent" She complains. I sigh but switch the game to minecraft. Ashley joins me. Aunt Lisa can't possibly get mad at me for playing a building game, that would be ridiculous. Aunt Lisa has lived with us for a few months now, but she's really getting on my nerves lately. I play video games till Dad gets home. He comes in, setting down his brief-case and taking off his suit jacket. I walk up to him.
"Hey Dad, how was work?" I ask.
"It was alright" Dad says.
"Dad, I went all day staying calm, no yelling, no anger, nothing" I say smiling.
"Good job sweetheart" he says, patting my shoulder and giving me a small quick hug. He goes into the kitchen and starts brewing coffee and reads the newspaper. Ashley continues to pay minecraft, I go upstairs to read. I continue to read Maximum Ride. I finish a couple chapters and go downstairs where Dad is cooking dinner. Aunt Lisa normally cooks, but Dad likes to do it once in a while, and I must say, he's a pretty good cook. I sit at the kitchen table playing on my iPod, waiting for dinner to be ready.
"What did you do at school today, sweetie?" Dad asks, while continuing to cook.
"The usual, did some chemistry study, did some algebra in math, sat alone at lunch, y'know, the usual school day" I say.
"Don't you have friends at school, Maddie?" He asks.
"Nah, not really, people are too afraid to talk to me" I smirk.
"Try making friends darling, I think you need to work on your social skills" Dad says.
"I know" I say.
"Dinner!" Dad calls, and everyone starts gathering around the table. We have steak, green beans and mashed potatoes for dinner. Everyone was pretty chatty during dinner, except for me. I didn't say much.
"I'm impressed with your attitude, Maddie" Aunt Lisa says.
"May I be excused?" I say quietly.
"No, finish" Aunt Lisa says.
"It's okay darling, you can go" Dad says.
"She didn't finish her meal" Aunt Lisa complains.
"It's fine, don't push it" Dad says to her.
I go into the living room and watch t.v.  I'm glad Dad's been so considerate to me lately. My disorder is getting worse, more powerful and Dad knows it. Dad's been really kind to me, but my aunt and my sister are kinda rude and jealous with me.
I almost made it the whole day without getting mad, till Aunt Lisa came to me while sitting on the couch and told me I was a brat and I'm being greedy.
"Greedy over what?" I say.
"Your Dad's attention, being treated better by him," she says.
"He's only worried about me Lisa! Besides, we don't even see him much when he works so much" I say.
"Why would he be worried about 'you'?" She says in an odd tone.
"Do I need to explain myself?" I say impatiently.
"Whatever, brat. I've never really liked you" She says rudely.
"I dislike you too!" I finally say, getting angry. I stand up and storm out of the house. I run to this small park near our house that's a seven minute walk, but I as running so I made it in four.  I sit down at a bench and cover my face.
"Whats wrong with me? Why is my life so messed?" I whisper to myself. It gets dark, I head home. No one says anything when I  walk in. I go straight up to my room. I hide. I'm normally pretty tough, I don't cry, don't whine. But lately, I have. I sniffle, but I don't cry, sitting down on my bed. I go and run a bath for myself. When I'm done I just put on pajamas and sketch in my room. I don't want to talk to any one right now. I stay up just doing things in my room. I stay up later than I should have.
In the morning, I hit snooze quite a few times. I look back at my alarm, I notice I'm gonna be late. I jump out of bed and get ready. I do the normal things in the morning, but I didn't have time to make lunch, and... I didn't take my anger pills. I have what they call 'intermittent explosive disorder' I hate it. That's what I take pills for. Today I didn't, I'm tired, and when I'm tired, I'm a little more pissy. I go to school, get a late slip, go to class. I walk in, the teacher yells at me for being late, Devon laughs. I growl, but ignore it and sit down. Devon kept making rude comments all through class and they were all about me. I kept glaring at hiim, with the 'stop or I will kill you' look. The bell rings, I walk into the hall and Devon bumps into me hard on purpose.
"Hey, freak, please don't kill me with anger" He laughs. I totally lose it. I growl and scream at him, pushing him very hard against a bunch of lockers and keep him pinned against them, holding him back by the throat. I growl in his face. Everyone just stands and stares.
"Oh, please don't kill me, your anger isn't that bad is it?" He jokes, choking under my grip. I scream, grab his arm, and snap his fore-arm in half, breaking it with my strength. Devon screams and clenches his arm. He drops to his knees, tears coming out of his eyes.
"Why would you do that?!" He cries. I slowly back away, I start running but the principal stops me and grabs my arm hard.
"Come with me, young lady" she snarls, other teachers running over to Devon to help him. People just stare at me as the principal drags me down the hall by my arm. She takes me to her office and plops me down in a seat across from her desk. She closes the door and sits behind her desk.
"Maddie, tell me truthfully and honestly, why did you do that?" She says seriously and intimidatingly, putting her elbows against her desk and leaning towards me.
"I....I..." I was too nervous to say anything. And that's when I break down crying.
"I didn't mean to!" I burst out. Tears just flowing from my eyes.
"What do you mean you didn't mean to? You broke Devon's arm" She says quite seriously.
"It was anger I couldn't control... Something just... took over me" I cry.
"I'm suspending you from school for a week" She says, writing something down on a piece of paper in a binder.
"It.... It wasn't..." I stutter. She stops writing.
"What is it?" She asks, staring at me.
"I think.... It was... just... My disorder took... Control of me" I say shaking and stuttering.
"I... I don't know!"
"There's got to be a reason you did that"
"Devon was bullying me, he.. he just pushed me too far"
"That's no reason to do what you did"
"I'm... I'm sorry!"
"I'm calling your dad to come pick you up and bring you home. Maybe you'll have a better explanation when you calm down a bit" Principal Carson says. I just continue to cry. I didn't mean to do it....
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Comments (4)

Beautiful story, for once a story doesn't have a good ending
thank you. stories can't always end in a good way.
on September 10, 2016
on September 10, 2016
on September 10, 2016
on September 10, 2016