Blood of Dragons

Abandoned at the doors of the Arcane tower, a little babe cries, eyes of brass and hair of gold, a half breed, between elf and man... And the blood of ancient fire running through his veins. The fate of the land rests on him, but where he leads it, no-one knows...

published on February 19, 201681 reads 13 readers 4 not completed
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Blood of Dragons
Chapter 5.

A spark ignites

"No" Rathashan said to his teacher, Darelith. "Rathashan, you cannot turn this mission down, that is not an option" "But the elves will not welcome me! They will shun me and if I manage to keep my anger under control and they are lucky, I might only burn a bit of their forest." Rathashan spat. Cursing his mixed blood once more, he turned and started to walk to his dorms. "This assignment is from the Archmage himself Rathashan... you will be thrown out if you do not go" He warned. Rathashan stopped mid stride, and turned to face his mentor, his face slack with awe and the colour drained from his face. "I... I will pack my things at once Sir." He stuttered, then turned back and left for his room.

                                                                                        ONE WEEK LATER...
"So... this is what a giant fire pile looks like" Rathashan remarked as he got his first look at the elvish woods, it's massive trees branching into the sky, woodland creatures running and playing on the forest floor, fearing nothing of the humanoid, while eagles and other birds are flying below the canopy. The sorcerer chuckles a bit "maybe I could do a roast, maybe a few boar or some rabbits... nah, not big enough" He chided, then strode off into the woods. After a few minutes, he found a suitable clearing to set up camp. With the help of a bit of magic, the tent was set and he was ready to kick some goblin ass!
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Comments (4)


This is so cool!
on February 19, 2016


I also need to write a critique that totally kills your lack of perfect grammar. Give me two hours to write one that actually reaches my insane, perfectionist expectations.
Whats wrong with my grammar? What did I miss?
Your grammar is actually really good, but (as mentioned before) I am a perfectionist and think that this story should be totally perfect. So.
on February 19, 2016
on February 19, 2016
on February 19, 2016