Blood of Dragons

Abandoned at the doors of the Arcane tower, a little babe cries, eyes of brass and hair of gold, a half breed, between elf and man... And the blood of ancient fire running through his veins. The fate of the land rests on him, but where he leads it, no-one knows...

published on February 19, 201681 reads 13 readers 4 not completed
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Blood of Dragons
Chapter 14.

We're off on an adventure!

"Stoping who now?" Rathashan quizzed. "The Burning Man, an extremely powerful pyromancer with power rivaling that of a minor deity" The archmage explained calmly with his hands behind his back, his fingers fiddling like mad. Rathashan widened his eyes "He what?! And I'm supposed to stop him! Alone!?! Have you gone mad!!!?? I-I mean, um... are you sure about this M'lord?" Rathashan stuttered after his initial outburst. The Archmage chuckled at his stuttering and continued "Aye, I am sure." and with that and a flash of arcane light, he disappears.
Later that day, the dreamers were re-assembled. Everyone looked... different. Allan was now this.. Halfling of a sort, but a huge one named Gromit, and in priestly vestments no less. Alana was now another halfling, but a real short one this time... And apparently Gromits' twin brother named Wallace. Anna looked the same, which is very weird, because in your dreams you be someone you're not and create an outer shell... I'll study her later. Faunra was Plasky, and by the gods Rath looked glad she's not any more... They were taken to the Armoury to be fitted out, Rath, Faunra and Gromit grabbing all sorts of components from deathcap heads to ogre teeth. Anna acquires her usual gear, being hide armour and a glaive, and Wallace takes his choice of thieves tools and daggers.Their first official mission? To scout and harry the Burning Man and his army...
May the gods protect them
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Comments (4)


This is so cool!
on February 19, 2016


I also need to write a critique that totally kills your lack of perfect grammar. Give me two hours to write one that actually reaches my insane, perfectionist expectations.
Whats wrong with my grammar? What did I miss?
Your grammar is actually really good, but (as mentioned before) I am a perfectionist and think that this story should be totally perfect. So.
on February 19, 2016
on February 19, 2016
on February 19, 2016