Monster of a Hero

Monster of a Hero

Based off Danish Slaughterhouse (link if you want to read it) https:/ / We own nothing of the theme of the story, but we do own this story line. It's basically a crack about what South and I would do in this situation

published on January 01, 201714 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.


"Just let me in there!" Arthur shouted as he angrily stomped his foot on the ground. His arms crossed over his chest as he snarled. "I can help!" He set his jaw as he watched Skylar stick her tongue out at him. "You step one foot into this kitchen, and I will personally shove you out the window, like I did last time to you and Alex." She said as she pointed a knife at him. She then turned back at the cutting board and began chopping up the fish. Alex slowly poked her head out from behind Arthur. Her whitish blue eyes narrowed. "Skylar you better let my ass in that kitchen or your ass is grass." She hissed, Skylar stopped cutting. Her head slowly turned back and to the side. Her brown eyes were narrowed, and her smile was wide, showing all of her teeth. "Do you want to repeat that?" She asked.
Alex looked at Arthur, they both slowly backed away. Skylar looked back at the fish and continued chopping it. "That's what I thought." Alfred jumped out of the pantry and held up two bags of rice. Arthur huffed as he stormed away. I'm not that bad of a cook. He thought as he went into the dinning room, and sat down. Crossing his legs and leaning back. Alex left upstairs, probably to talk to Matthew, was that his name? Arthur couldn't remember. He sighed as he sat up straight. A gentleman does not lean in his chair. Nor does a gentleman yell...I should apologize. He thought, gripping the chair handles as he was about to stand, but saw Francis enter the kitchen.
He slumped back into the chair. I do not feel like arguing with him. I just want to rest. Arthur rubbed his temples as he slowly stood up, then pushed his chair in. He made his way upstairs, trying to ignore the laughter coming from the kitchen and the amazing smell coming from it. "I just need to stay away from them." He muttered once he entered his room. He looked up into the room, and sighed. "I just need a good book, that's-" Arthur was cut off by a high pitched voice. "Hey~!" Arthur snapped his head to the side, and grinned. "Flying Mint Bunny! Aw did you fly all the way over here just to see me?" He said, watching the green bunny flying around the room. "I was alone and wanted to see you! The others didn't come though it's just me!" It squeaked, Arthur smiled as he wrapped his arms around the bunny. "Aw that's quite alright, you didn't have to go such a long way just to see me though! You could have hurt your wings."
"-hurt your wings." Alex looked at Matthew and smiled. "Ah...he's talking to himself again." She said, even though she knew it was the strange mint bunny. She'd have to remember to talk to the bunny slightly quieter  "He always does that...I wonder what he always talks too, eh?" Matthew asked, he looked around the small room, thankful that Alex and Skylar agreed to allow him to stay in their room. There was no way he could survive in a room that smelled that strongly of McDonalds. "Hey....Mattie.....where is Kuma?" Alex asked after a few seconds of silence. Matthew looked up in horror. "I....I...I left him...Kumaroro!" Matthew said, slightly louder than normal. He whispers when he screams. Alex chuckled as he quickly apologized, and went outside.
I can't believe I forgot about Kuma. Matthew thought as he reached in his hoodie pocket and pulled out his car keys. He quickly walked up to the front door and gently opened it. Once he stepped outside, a small breeze greeted him. He slightly smiled at the smell of the wilderness as he walked up to his car. "Kuma? Kuma are you alright?" Matthew asked once he unlocked the passenger door and opened it. He pushed up his glasses and looked around. Listening for any movement. "Kuma? Where are you?" He asked, then let out a sigh of relief when a small shuffle was made. "Hm..?...I'm hungry...and cold." Kuma said as he slowly crawled over the seat, and face planted the seat. "I'm sorry." Matthew said as he gently picked up the bear and stroked his head. I can't believe I forgot about him...I'm such a terrible person. Matthew scowled at himself in his head as he walked back inside.
The second he stepped inside, Skylar was shouting up the stairs. "Get the hell down here you gits! I didn't fu*king make all of this food for Alfred and I!" She shouted, then stopped and thought for a moment. "Though, he could eat it all." She laughed as Alfred shouted a loud "Hey!" from the dinning room. "You're in luck Kumakiro, it looks like they just finished making dinner." Matthew said as he looked down, Kumajiro looked up at him and tilted his head. "Who are you?" Matthew sighed softly as he made his way into the dinning room. "I'm Matthew."
"I brought six bottles of wine." Francis said as he held up the half filled glass of red wine. "Yeah, well wine doesn't go well with Ochazuke you frog." Arthur said as he pointed his fork at him. "Oh the black sheep finally knows something about cooking and what goes well with what?" Francis teased as he took a sip of the wine. Arthur rolled up his sleeves and almost stood up, but Alfred stood up and slammed his hands on the table, causing the bowls to clatter against the wood, making a loud sound. Skylar held her bowl up before the motion, just to make sure her food was safe.
"Now dudes! No fighting, we don't want to fu*k up this perfectly good shit!" Alfred said, Arthur sat down once more and blushed from embarrassment. He muttered a few words before picking up his fork and stabbing the rice and fish. He was the only one who used a fork instead of a spoon with the dish. Wondering why Alfred decided to eat something so....small. It seemed energizing though. Matthew was in the kitchen, grabbing Kumajiro a snack. Skylar felt slightly bad that she and Alfred didn't make enough for Kuma, well it's not her fault. Alfred was the one that mainly made the food. She just set out the ingredients and cut them. After that, Alfred took over. "So..ALEX SLOW DOWN!" Skylar shouted as she made a face at Alex, who was scarfing down the rice, her necklace was also in the bowl. "You're supposed to enjoy the food! Not horse it down." Skylar shouted, Alex snapped her head up, a piece of fish falling off her lip. She gulped down what was in her mouth and blinked a few times, squinting. " know I eat fast." She said, sitting up straight, almost as if she were defending herself. Francis slightly looked at Arthur, who was talking quietly to something beside him.
Alex and Skylar continued to argue about eating speeds, until Alfred slammed his hands on the table once more. This time, Skylar wasn't ready, and ended up slamming her face in her bowl out of shock. The room went silent.
Alex choked out laughing, less than a minute later. Skylar slowly lifted her head. Her brown eyes narrowing at the laughing white haired girl. Fish and rice fell onto the table, and bowl with loud plopping sounds. This only made Alex laugh more. Skylar grabbed her spoon, diving at Alex. The two Narnians fought it out on the ground, as Alfred laughed. Obviously enjoying the show. Francis stood up, grabbed his and Matthew's now cold bowl, and went into the kitchen. Arthur watched as Skylar held the spoon next to Alex's eye. They have always fought like this..not once have I seen them in harmony. Arthur thought as he poked at the fish in his bowl. His green eyes glanced up at Alfred. Something wasn't right. This meal, his behavior, how he wasn't eating...just....something didn't seem right about him.
"Bonjour, Matthew. I brought you your food~" Francis hummed as he stepped into the kitchen, still hearing the idiotic Narnians fighting it out. Matthew stepped out of the pantry at hearing Francis voice. "Ah..thank you." Matthew said as he closed the door with his hip. Kuma was sitting on the counter, holding out his paws. "Gimme the food you bitch." Matthew sighed as he opened the bag of bread. "Kumamaro you know not to use bad language." He said softly, taking out a few slices of bread, and handed them to the bear. After Matthew put the bread away, he sat down on the counter next to Kuma, and gently took the bowl from Francis. "Sorry for taking so long." Francis shook his head. "It's quite alright." He said as he placed his bowl in the sink, starting to wash it. "Why aren't you out there with the others?" Matthew asked once he saw how much was going down the drain. Francis shook his head once more. "The Narnians are fighting. I don't like to see them fight....more less like them at all." He muttered, scrubbing out the bowl.
Matthew slightly widened his eyes at the comment, but continued poking at the food. "They..aren't that bad." Matthew responded back stirring up his food, Francis shrugged. "To me they are nothing but trouble making idiots." He said as he dried the dish, and put it away. He blew a kiss to Matthew and waved. "I'm heading off to bed~... Bonne nuit~" Matthew nodded in response.
Should I tell him? No...that would be rude..maybe Alfred had a reason to put crushed Hypnotic pills in the food. Matthew looked at the pantry. He found the pills behind bags of rice. Good thing Francis didn't eat that much. Matthew thought as he pushed up his glasses. He had to eat some of He looked at the sink next to him and apologized quietly. "Whatchya doin there Mattie?" Alfred asked, Matthew jumped and looked at the American leaning against the counter. "'t..hungry..I'm sorry." He said, hanging his head down to hide his blush. "You better be dude, I worked hard on that shit. Do you know how long it took me to get the recipe out of Kiku? Hours. It took me hours Mattie." Alfred said, Matthew gulped as he looked up at Alfred. Something...wasn't right. His expression seemed darker than normal. The way he was standing seemed like he was tensed up and plotting something.
"I'm sorry." Alfred snickered and walked up to the Canadian. "Eat it." Alfred commanded. Matthew looked up at him and widened his eyes. "W..what?" Alfred slammed his hands on both sides of Matthew, Kuma yelped as his leg was hit.
"I" Alfred said, even more demanding then last time. "A..Alfred? Are..are you okay?" Matthew squeaked out, mentally hitting himself for saying it so weakly. "Fu*king eat the shit or I will shove it down your throat." Alfred growled, Matthew shrunk down and looked at the bowl. What happened to Alfred? He asked himself as he picked up the spoon with a shaking hand. He never acts like this. The terrified Canadian glanced up, staring into the cold, empty blue eyes. He quickly looked back down into his bowl. After a few seconds of not moving, Kuma hiccuped, which scared Matthew enough to almost drop his bowl. Alfred didn't move, nor say anything, but Matthew knew that if he didn't at least take five bites, Alfred would force him to eat the whole thing. He lifted his shaking hand and looked at the spoonful of rice. He brought it to his quivering lips and quickly ate it. Trying not to taste it.
The sounds of the fight between Alex and Skylar subsided. Alfred quickly shot back from the counter and grinned widely. His expression switching to his normal happy go lucky one. "Say you have something like..oh...I don't know...bandages?" Alex said as she walked into the kitchen, holding her eye. Blood dripped down her cheek. "Oh yeah dude! They're in the bathroom!" Alfred said, then did a closed eye smile. "Thanks man, Skylar might need some help cleaning up the dinning room too. She got WRECKED! I hit her with like a boss! Shit she has a black eye and shit too!" Alex said, trying to laugh but failed. The blood seeped through her fingers.
"Skylar needs help with mending her eye too, Alfred you got that?" She asked, Alfred waved his hand. "Totally dude! I'm the hero! I can take care of everything!" Matthew sat silently wishing that Alex could get him out of the situation. "Also, Arthur went upstairs because we weren't acting like 'The ladies he raised' ahaha..Ey, yo Mattie...I..ah this hurts...I need your help with my eye eh?" Alex said, Matthew looked at Alfred. His blue eyes glared at him. "Alfred was being mean and scary!" Kuma shouted, Matthew jumped and looked at Kuma. "Ah..what? Anyways, come on Mattie I need your help." She said as she left the kitchen.
Matthew quickly ate a few more bites to please Alfred, snatched Kuma, and ran upstairs. Silently hoping that what ever the pills were for, wasn't bad.
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