Another Nightmare

(Jackies Qfeast contest story- topic of fear) (Also part of a story on watt pad I'm writing) Jessica Holister seems cold hearted to many- even has the nickname "Sherlock" by the media who has no idea who she is. But eventually, the wall has to come down.

published on February 03, 201710 reads 2 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 3.

The fear awakes

Dear god, its just like my situation.

Other than I lived, obviously.

We got to the palace, gaurds rambling about how important this is to solve, the usual.

Got to the area where the palace keeps everyone, and the filter was gone.

The writing wasnt on the wall, but the parts were. The note, with the seal and everything, sitting in its place. The child on the bed, Elizabeth having no signs of a fight or sign of death.

But the needle mark. Fresh. Today's, even.

I bit my toung, and sighed. "Image of her husband. NOW." I snapped, looking around. Jaisan, shoked about my sudden outbirst and haste, not even me negociating or teasing, and ran off.

Her sister, Victoria, was sobbing in a hall. Jaisan was trying to soothe her, but it wasnt working. I sighed in pure frustration and impaitence and went out there.

"Jaisan, the ONE time I need you to be nice to someone, you fail." I muttered, hugging the black haired, pale woman.

He looked shocked. I was successfully soothing her temporarily, and I'm known to only make matters worse.

A reason I feel like the media's nickname for me is slightly more accurate than they realize- Im usually an emotioless bastard.

I sighed. "Victoria, I know this is hard, but I need to ask you a few questions. It doesn't have to be now, but, honestly, I perfer if it was soon if you aren't ready." I responded.

God, I sound like O'Niel. For the most part.

She nodded. "I-I think I'll be ok.." she responded, sniffling.

"What was her husband's name, and do you have a picture of him?" I asked. She nodded. "Something with an A... I dont even remember his name and Lizzy talked about him every time he left for something..." she was about to cry.

"Thier relationship was happy, had they recently got in a fight or something?" I asked.

"Jessica, you may think-"

"DEAR GOD, YOU TOO!?" She yelled at me, stepping back. I sighed. "Listen, he may have left at a suspicious time, but he showed ZERO signs of anything like this! They were happy! They-"

"Thats what I thought of my ex husband, but look at me: no family and my kids are dead. I know its hard but you need to LISTEN: People arent who they seem EVER, and if you want to let me get the damn bastard that killed her, I need to know these things." I snapped back. The room went dead silent exept for the gaurd passing me a paper.

I grabbed it, and looked.

Damnit, same blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Hell, same guy too. His name was Adam, right?" I asked, putting the picture in my pocket. Victoria nodded.

I ran off, and once in a car and alone, after driving a bit, I started crying.

I feared for many things- who the hell he was going to get next, if anyone was in danger of him, the fact I just revealed a weakness to everyone in the room. Let alone know that he could have bugged the damn place.

But what terrified me most of all, was he was back.
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Comments (2)

Whoa, she's real pissed at the others.
That girl needs some Netflix and Chill.
Pffft XD
Well, she really basically had her PTSD triggered, and her first signs of fear are agression.
on February 03, 2017
on February 03, 2017