idk what to call this chapter

“Hey mom, look at this!” Ed and Al said before lighting up the room with their alchemy. The light dimmed revealing a small doll that Ed and Al had made out of some fabric. “Here you go mom” Al said handing your mother the doll. “Thank you dear” your mom said kissing Al’s forehead. All of the sudden there was a knock on the bedroom door and a few short moments later granny pikano walked in. “Hey granny, do you need some help with something?” you asked. Granny shook her head.
“No, I just came up here to tell you that your friend Matthew is here and was wondering if you could come play” Granny explained. “Oh…ok, mom may I go hang out with Matthew please?” you asked batting your eyes. Your mother smiled and laughed a little. “Sure you can, just be back before dinner” she said. “Yay!” you said kissing your mothers cheek before heading out the door and down the stairs. Upon seeing Matthew you smiled brightly. “Hey Matthew!” you said hugging your best friend.
Matthew was a little bit taller than you with jet black hair, green eyes, and pale skin, Matthew was just a year older then you even though he didn’t look it. You had known each other ever since he moved here three years ago. “Hey (Y/N), how are you?” Matthew asked. “I’m great, how about you?” you replied. “I’m good, life’s been a little slow lately” Matthew said. “You got that right” you giggled.
You and Matthew walked across a path through a big grassy plain like you always did every time Matthew came over. “So what have you been up to?” Matthew asked. “You know, just studying alchemy” you replied. “That’s all you ever do” Matthew stated. “It’s still really fun, you should really try it” You said. “You know I’m not in to that kind of stuff (Y/N)” Matthew replied giving you a look. You laughed.
“I know but maybe one day you will like it” you said. “Maybe” Matthew replied. You and Matthew walked a little farther along the path until you reached the spot where you usually sat which was by a river. (The picture explains what it looks like) “I’ve always liked this spot” You said breathing in fresh air. “Me too, something about this place makes me feel like I’m living in a daydream” Matthew said. You both sat there for a few minutes in complete silence before Matthew spoke up.
“Hey (Y/N)?” he said. You turned your head to him. “Yes?” you replied. “Umm…no matter what happens, will you still be my friend?” Matthew asked. You smiled at him. “Of course, will always be friends” you replied. “Forever and always?” Matthew asked. “Forever and always” you replied. About an hour later it was starting to get dark and Matthew was walking you home. “Do you want to hang out tomorrow?” Matthew asked. “Of course”
You replied. Matthew smiled at you. A few minutes later you arrived at your house and you were saying your goodbyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow” Matthew said giving you a hug. “Alright” you said as you started to go into your house. (Y/N) wait!” Matthew said. You turned around. “Yes Matthew?” you asked. Matthew bit his lip then ran up next to you kissing your cheek. Your face turned completely red in shock. “Goodnight (Y/N)” Matthew said walking off into the distance. You lifted up your hand and touched the place where Matthew had kissed you and smiled brightly before heading inside.
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