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published on October 19, 20149 reads 5 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 4.

first chapter (finally)

Kitty lay in bed reading her favourite book, Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. She just wished she could be a demigod. She wasn't dyslexic or ADHD. But she had never met her dad. Her mom, Madison Driftwood, never spoke of him. All she ever said was "You'll find out one day, Katrina, one day." No one else ever called her by her real name. Most people didn't even know it. Not that she had any friends anyway.

*give your ideas for the rest of the story in the comments below. I hope you like my story idea and hope to see your ideas in the comments soon. Sadly, I still haven't reached 750 words yet, even though I've done 4 WHOLE chapters.
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on October 19, 2014