Poisoned Blood

Poisoned Blood

A 16 year old girl gets poisoned with something next to lethal. She is brought to a hospital that keeps putting her in pain. She hasn't been able to see her father and her mother is dead. Her doctor is evil and sadistic. The doctor is hurting her and won't let her leave. She's held captive.

published on July 06, 201675 reads 15 readers 13 not completed
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Chapter 5.


  I wake up. I look around, all is quiet, the heart monitor was turned off and unhooked from my finger. A couple minutes later, Nurse Claire walks in.
"You stabbed doctor Jonson in the side with the needle he was going to use. He's trying to help you! Now, your lucky he accepted to stay as your doctor. He is trying to research the poison, let him do his job." She says sternly. I just look away and don't say anything, feeling kind of guilty.
"Sorry" I say finally. "You don't know what its like, I'm just really scared." I say, getting out of bed and walking over to the window. The window was blocked, blocked by wood nailed to the wall, like they don't want me to leave, or people to see me. I walk back over to my bed and sat down and sighed. "I was scared. I'm still scared. I didn't want another needle, I hate needles, I have a phobia of needles, and I'm already in a lot of physical and emotional pain" I said. My eyes were getting watery, but I held back my tears.
"I'm not sure how to help you" Claire said. I look at her. Studying her, what her facial expression and movements are like. Pretty neutral. Kind of sad-like though.
"What is your favorite colour?" Claire asked.
"...purple" I said, looking away.
"I'll be right back" Claire said leaving the room and locking the door. I wonder what shes doing. She comes back with a purple stuffed dog.
"I hope this makes you more comfortable. You have your horse and this puppy. I'm trying to make you comfortable, and be in a better mood. I know I can't help much, but I'm trying. Anything you want or need, I will try to help" she said. I take the dog and put it down next to my stuffed horse. I look closer at the dog. I have a dog at home. I bet she misses me. Shes a German Sheppard named Princess. I'm starting to miss her.
"I'd like to get to know you better Carnee, do you mind if we chat?" said nurse Claire. I turn and face her.
"Tell me about yourself," Claire said.
"I'm 16, you probably know that. My Birthday is November 20th" I start. "I have a German Sheppard dog named Princess. I'm an only child, and I never met my mom, she died." I said.
"German Shepard's are cute, and sorry to hear about your mother" Claire says softly.
"How I wish I could've met her, my mom. Dad told me stories about her. Dad often says I'm like my mom, he said she was a really kind lady. Dad told me that mom died while giving birth to me, sometimes I feel bad about it" I said.
"Oh darling, it's not your fault" Claire said reassuringly. I ignored her and continued.
"I'm in grade 11, I don't really like school, but I'm good in school. I don't have many friends. I like purple and I like drawing and watching horror movies" I said.
"I can get you a sketch pad and pencils if you like, and turn on a horror movie later if you want" said nurse Claire.
"Sure," I said, "Now tell me a bit about you"
"I'm not married, I have no kids, someday maybe. I like reading and playing piano. I have a dog too, a pug named Candy, and I am 28. My Birthday is April 13." She said.
"Cool" I said.
"What is your dog gonna do, since your here?" I ask.
"She's at my friends house for now" she responds.
"Carnee, later, around seven, the doctor is going to come and run some tests" Claire said. "I'll be there."
"I don't want to..." I said. I tense up. Now I'm nervous, I don't want to see doctor Jonson again, he creeps me out and his vibe is not normal.
"It has to be done if you want to get better" She said. "Why don't I go get you a sketchbook" she left the room.
​​​​​ I turn on the t.v. A show called The Middle came on. Its a good show I guess. I look at my cellphone and pick it up. I got a text, form Heather. it said:"Are you okay? Are you still at the hospital?" Sent at 9:32 pm. I was knocked out at that time i think. I text "Still at the hospital. I am not okay" I try to send it, but it said there was an error and it couldn't send. Why is my phone doing that? The connection is four bars and i have unlimited call and text. The internet isn't working either... Odd. I hear the door opening and i put my phone down. Nurse Claire set down a sketchbook and a pencil case on  the table next to me. She looks at the t.v and smiles. "I like that show too" she said.
"I got to go do a few things. Why don't you just draw and watch t.v for now, till the doctor is ready to see you" She said.
I laid back and watched the rest of the middle. When it was over, I put on Prison Break and did some drawing. The pencil case had pencils, eraser, sharpener and pencil crayons. I drew myself, laying in the bed in my hospital room, with green glowing skin, with the doctor with a huge needle in my arm, the liquid bright blue, and nurse Claire holding my hand with one hand and a needle in the other. I made it realistic, yet exaggerating. Nurse Claire and Doctor Jonson came in, I quickly closed my book and look up at them with nervous eyes. Claire turns off my t.v.
"Hello again. I just want to do some tests, please don't try to hurt me, I'm here to help you. Not to hurt you" Doctor Jonson said calmly. "Claire, hold her hand, I just need to do something" He said. Claire grabbed my hand. He grabs my other wrist, grabs... A scalpel, and cuts my wrist open. "AAAAAH!" I scream in pain. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" I yell, pulling away my wrist, tears starting to run down my face.
"It's okay Carnee, I'm just making sure the poison isn't effecting your skin" Jonson said, taking my wrist back in a tight grip and pulling the scalpel to cut a longer incision.
"Why can't you give me an anesthetic?!" I ask, trying to shake away my wrist.
"Might effect the poison, might activate it more, maybe make it stronger. Now stop moving" He said. He puts his stethoscope against my chest, while still holding onto my hand, my wrist starting to bleed an abnormal dark red.
"You need to calm a bit, your pulse and breathing is a little fast" He said. I growl and breath heavily through my nostrils.
"How can I calm? You just cut my wrist open!" I said with a high tone. I start to cry in pain. I look at Claire with my teary eyes. She just stares at me. He cuts deeper, till he can see my veins. I cry harder as my wrist throbs. His eyes went wide. But didn't say anything. I start to panic by the expression on his face. I squeeze Claire's hand. He whispers in Claire's ear and she looks at my wrist. It's bleeding and throbbing. I look at my wrist and it was bleeding a very abnormal dark red, almost black. I panic more and start to shake, quivering in place.
"It's alright Carnee!" The doctor said and wrapped gauze around my wrist. It still hurts and throbs. I'm gripping Claire's hand so hard the it looked like I was hurting her, her hand went a little red by my grip, but she didn't say anything, she just sat there calmly, letting me squeeze her hand with my hardest grip. I was crying. Claire grabs a cloth and wipes my tears. Doctor Jonson feels my fore-head, then he picks up a needle. The point is really long. My eyes wide as I watch him put the needle in a bottle and it sucks the liquid. I screech and try to get up and run, but Claire holds me down. I struggle, right before he stick it in my arm I scream "WHAT IS THAT STUFF!?"
He looks at me. He doesn't say a thing and sticks it in my arm. I scream and scream and scream.
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Comments (13)

I'm glad it had a happy ending! : D
on September 03, 2017
holy crap! did you write this just by yourself?
I just published the second one!
on July 07, 2016
Alright, give me a few minutes and I will publish it. :)
Thank you!
on July 07, 2016
ok. i gave this 5 stars btw
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016
heck yeah! ill definitely read it!
on July 07, 2016
I can publish the second in a few minutes if you'd like.
on July 07, 2016
A few months
on July 07, 2016
how long did it take to write it?
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016
I have a second and third book that I will be publishing soon too. :)
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016
on July 07, 2016