chasing life

chasing life

this is a story of a girl who was very rich first...her find out read!

published on June 27, 201516 reads 8 readers 3 completed
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Chapter 5.
after 2 hours

after 2 hours

after 2 hours..............

she was busy in reading books,even she didn't noticed the time,at the end of the 5th book.she closed the book and................

'',it's so late,i have to go now''she said to her self
she ticked the name of that 5 books  in the diary,and cross 2nd fool and open the door
library incharge was standing near the door''did you find the books?''
''yes,i will visit tomorrow at same time,bye''she answered
''but wait i have to tell something to you''
''yeah sure''she answered
''tomorrow in library there will be quiz,you have to come also and participate in quiz''
''oh..that's great but in which room?''she said to mam
''when  you will come tomorrow i will tell you everything''
''okay mam,that's amazing,i will come tomorrow,take care,bye,see you tomorrow''
she ran towards car without listing the answer
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Comments (3)

great story<3<3
on July 20, 2015
on July 20, 2015
on June 27, 2015