The lonely girl

The lonely girl

This is a story of a girl with a unusual ability ! But no one believes her,not even her mom. What will she do ?

published on August 19, 201415 reads 10 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 5.

Ciara's power

The next day was Saturday so Akira and Ciara came over. They went to Anna's backyard and lied down on the grass "OK so what do we do today ?" Akira asked "uh..I don't know" Anna said, Ciara the sighed but some ice came out "whoa did you guys see that" Ciara asked standing up "uh no what happened !" Akira asked standing up as well "yeah what did happen ?" Anna stood up as well "uh ice came out of my mouth" Ciara said and for proof she blew and some ice came out "wow !" Anna said "hey I have two powers fire breath and psychic" Akira said "I don't have a power yet" Anna said looking down "well you could use a weapon I guess" Akira said walking over to Anna "hmm yeah I guess I could but powers are better" Anna then crossed her arms, Ciara and Akira looked each other. "Hey since we can hurt people why don't we fight bad guys secretly ?" Ciara said "yeah !" Akira said "you in ?"  Anna then thought for a moment "ok !"

The end :)
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Comments (2)

This story needs to be noticed!
on October 08, 2016
Not bad.
on August 21, 2014