How to Create a Good Warriors OC

How to Create a Good Warriors OC

I've been thinking of doing this for a while now. There are some really strange cats and names out there, and if you want to check them out, Google up Bad Warriors Names or The Worst Warriors. I will show ya how to make a solid, believable character

published on August 27, 201493 reads 39 readers 14 completed
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Chapter 4.

Examples of Solid Characters.

➟ These are my characters, you can use the names cause' names repeat themselves in the internet but at least shift their looks a tiny bit, you can even just change eye color, but please don't outrightly steal their personality. Here are some examples of solid personalities:

Description: Light brown tabby molly with a pale golden underbelly and amber eyes.
Name: Fawnwhisker.
Gender: Molly.
Clan: ThunderClan.
Rank: Deputy.
Personality&Skills: She's a great cat to have around. There is a certain calming aura around her, she always knows when a Clanmate is troubled and happily hears them out. She's very helpful and good at giving advice, and loves teaching apprentices their first hunter crouch. She is excellent at hunting, and many farm cats would envy her mousechasing skills. She always wants best for her Clan, and bravely embraces change.

Description: Golden-brown tabby molly with paler paws and a white belly, amber eyes.
Name: Honeystripe.
Gender: Molly.
Clan: RiverClan.
Rank: Warrior.
Personality/Skills: She isn't very skilled at anything in particular, but is very cheery and bright. She is very curious, eager and energetic. 'No' is not an answer for her, she can be stubborn at times too. She likes for have a bit of fun as well, plus she gossips like a starling!

Description: Golden tabby molly with a dappled pelt and amber eyes.
Name: Dappledpelt.
Gender: Molly.
Clan: ThunderClan.
Rank: Medicine Cat.
Personality/Skills: She is a very rebellious and outspoken cat. She loves herbs and anything to do with them, and loves learning new things but sometimes the rambling of her mentor (who was old and boring) weren't as exciting. She's curious, daredevil-ish and likes to add a bit of adventure or fun or even a bit of risk to everything. She sometimes even 'stalks' and 'catches' plants. Deep down, she knows she lover her job and wouldn't ever trade her rank to be a warrior.

Description: Pure white molly with a blue left eye, and a yellow right eye.
Name: Pearnose.
Gender: Molly.
Clan: ThunderClan.
Rank: Warrior/Queen.
Personality/Skills: Mellow, optimistic and cheerful, she never minded herself being half-deaf. She has some excellent tracking skills that are known around the Clans. Overall, she's a lively and bright cat, and achieved everything she wanted in life: Respect, a family and peace (for some time).

My personal favorite!

Description: Sleek, thin silver tabby molly with a long tail and whiskers, and blue eyes.
Name: Minnowheart.
Gender: Molly.
Clan: RiverClan.
Rank: Medicine Cat.
Personality/Skills: She is outgoing and rather bold sometimes. She stand up to what she thinks is right, and will always trust her mischievous yet seriously taken instincts. No-one calls her a mouse-brain without her shredding their ears off! She is ambitious, generally friendly and protective. More like a warrior than a medicine cat (she was one n the past after all!), but she limps after an accident and cannot chase her wild dreams of leadership. That also means she's not afraid to influence the leader with her authority! No skills except a sharp tongue and standing up to what she thinks is wrong. Mostly outspoken too.
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Comments (14)

how are we supposed to think of a personality without copying yours, when we had 1 n mind and it was THE SAMETHING and every time I try t think of another personality, I cant because it has something to do with the others!!!!! :((:((:((:((:((:((
You can have some traits another person used in their personality, but as long as you add some twists of your own, it's fine! [Sorry if I answered wrong, I really don't understand the middle part of this post].
on January 10, 2015
on January 10, 2015
Alright here's what I came up with.
Name:Aquashine (before you insist on the fact of shine not really being anything traditional basically at night she kinda glows like a star due to her glossy coat)
Gender: female
Breed:russian blue mix
Personality:Smart,Nice,Mysterious See More▼
on November 06, 2014
I have three main OC's. See what you think:

Acornwish - Black and brown tabby she-cat with one black ear and black front paws.
- Medicine Cat
- Good at climbing and healing

Shadowmane - Black and brown tabby tom with thick, black fur around his shoulders. See More▼
If you go for lyrical names, that's fine by me. If I were to rate them I would probably begin a rant on how they aren't Traditional and how you can make them Traditional, and because you think a name doesn't have to describe the talents of a cat I'm not going to give you suffix suggestions. If you want some color suggestions tough, Acorn- is more of a light brown/golden See More▼
on November 08, 2014
on October 31, 2014
I have a Warriors OC named Spottedfeather, and another one named Robinfoot :)
I'm a little against -feather, it does no job describing the cat's skill but I must admit it sound pretty! Robinfoot is great, it your cat is ginger, brown or tortoiseshell, and -foot would most likely mean it's a fast cat. Well done on the names!
You could use Spottedtail, it is a good name for an agile or good-climbing cat that is...well...spotted! You also keep your fave charrie parts, you know, FeatherTAIL.
on September 20, 2014
Thank you! I got the idea Spottedfeather from Spottedleaf and Feathertail, my favorite characters from Warriors c: and Robinfoot... Idk :3
on September 15, 2014
on September 01, 2014
on September 01, 2014
I <3 your arrows! :D:P Great story!
Thanks! There's plenty of them to copy&paste on the internet if ya want to use some too.
on August 28, 2014
on August 28, 2014
I have a Warriors OC called Goldenheart. :3
That a cute, traditional and beautiful name :D Like, well done to you!
Thanks! :D
on August 27, 2014
on August 27, 2014
on August 27, 2014