A Dark History

A Dark History

When Princess Alesa of Celestial City notices the sky getting dimmer she goes to Lunaria to try to stop the disappearance of the stars, but that is just the start of a great adventure...

published on September 10, 201430 reads 11 readers 4 completed
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Chapter 5.

Gates of Lunaria

The next morning... "wake up! we need to get a start on whoever is in Gates of Lunaria!" said Allison, who was shaking their bed. "I'm up, I'm up!" shouts Alesa, "well let's get a Lunarian donut and go!" "okay I'm totally read- zz" Alesa falls asleep again, until Allison tickles her. "AH!!" Alesa screams "gotcha! now we get up and find the bad guy." Allison states "race ya!" Alesa jumps up and runs to the portal "oh no you don't!" Allison chases after her. They both reach the portal and jump in. A few seconds later they are in Gates of Lunaria. "wow! big lights for a magical evil wizard to be using as his headquarters." stated Alesa. "well, nobody is here at night. I was traveling here before I knew about my Cyodrakian blood." Allison says. "I think I just saw something that looked like a firecracker but it was... dark!" exclaims Alesa. then they hear a different voice "Stars disappear one by one, eventually all falls to darkness..." "I'm officially scared to death!" Alesa says. Both princesses scream and run away to tell Trilluna until they see a cloak and then the mysterious petpet blasts Alesa with a dark beam. Alesa is out cold. "Stop that you... you... THING!" Allison lunges at the evil-doer. He moves out of the way and disappears into the shadows. "Come back here!" Allison runs to the place the monster went and sees glowing eyes...

next chapter: A Dragon's Blood
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Comments (4)

Loved it! :)
on September 12, 2014
on September 11, 2014
glad you like it!
on September 11, 2014
on September 11, 2014