New Moons (Mia X Hunter)

New Moons (Mia X Hunter)

Mia, a loyal servant to her lady, Artemis, and part of her Hunt, meets a boy during one of their stays at Camp Half-Blood. Little does she know that he might be the love of her life.

published on August 17, 201657 reads 7 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 5.


Chiron invited us to play Capture the Flag. I wasn't in the mood. Most of the Hunters went and played, but I didn't. He also let the new recruits get a choice. Everyone said yes, except Adele. She wanted to spent her time practicing archery. I wanted to talk to her, and find out more about her. I walked over to her on the archery field.
"Hello," I said.
"Hi," she replied.
"Adele, right?" I asked. "You're one of the girls wanting to become a Hunter."
She nodded. She wasn't as chatty as I expected her to be. Gloria was always talking, hard to believe this was her offspring.
She began to notch her bow. She brought her arm back and wanted aimed for the bulls-eye. She let go of the arrow. It hit the bottom of the outer circle. She groaned.
"I can never hit the middle," she complained.
"Your technique is perfect, but you have no sense of aim," I told her.
"Oh, wow, thanks for the confidence boost," she said.
"I wasn't trying to be mean. I'm helping you. If you're going to aim at the bulls-eye you need a lot more power, but most people can't do that, so you have to aim directly above," I explained.
"Why aren't you playing capture the flag?" she asked.
"Wasn't in the mood. Every time we come we're asked, but I've never really liked it," I told her.
She nodded. "So, you're a Hunter?" she asked.
I nodded. Was it not obvious?
She came and sat down next to me on a bench. "So tell me how you joined. What time period are you from? Were you a half-blood before? Who was your godly parent? How do you stay away from guys?"
Her face was begging for answers.
"Oh, yeah. What's your name?" she finished.
I had to answer her. "My name is Mia Dean. I joined in 1862. I was fourteen. Yes, I was a half-blood before, and I was a daughter of Hephaestus. Also, it's very easy to stay away from boys if you're fighting monsters all day long," I answered each of her questions, except the first one. She wouldn't know how I joined.
She nodded. "Where did you live before you joined?" she asked.
"Here in New York. In a small town that's near Long Island. It's probably not there anymore. It was actually pretty close to here, only a forest and some small hills separated it," I told her.
Her astonished expression told me she knew something. "Wow! That's where my great-great-great grandparents lived. My dad told me all about my ancestry. Their names were Gloria and James. Maybe you knew them, did you?" She questioned.
"Uh, yeah. I did. We didn't talk much. I was, um, very, uh introverted. No one, um, really talked to me," I lied.
She nodded. "Well, what were they like?" she asked. My first thought was to say that they were back-stabbing cheaters, but I figured that wouldn't be right because this was this girl's family we were talking about, but something in my mind kept nagging me too. I decided I couldn't say anything nice if I talked about those two, so I had to figure out an escape plan.
"I, uh, have to go. I guess we can talk later," I said. I got up and ran to the Artemis cabin without looking back. I ran into a person, and we both stumbled back.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking," I said. I looked at him. He was the Demeter kid. He was tall, with sky blue eyes, and dark, messy, but in a way clean, coffee brown hair. His face was built, but he had a little acne.
He dusted himself off and placed his hand out. I reluctantly grabbed it.
"It's totally fine. I mean I don't get plowed over by beautiful girls everyday, but I want to now," he flirted.
This guy was a player, I could already tell. Yes, I knew I was beautiful, it was from when I took the oath, but really I could tell he got better reactions from other girls when he said that.
He was still smiling at me. This was definitely awkward now.
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Comments (1)

The fact that simply because of my username, I could approve this XD
on October 05, 2016