Welcome To Flame City

Welcome To Flame City

Pyra Darkhour is a stay at home girl, she helps her father around the house and has been selfless since her mothers death. She and her two best partners will have to face many danger including a demon in a fire lit city and the city is indefinitely made out of flames.

published on January 20, 20167 reads 3 readers 7 not completed
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Chapter 3.

All I could do was scream

As the four of us walked home I tripped. I fell down on to the gravel and looked to see what I had tripped on. I had to stifle a scream. It was my dad. He was covered in blood and sweat with flies and maggots inside of him. His eyes were rolled back and blood was still dripping from his mouth. I stood and almost wanted to run or vomit but I couldn't, I couldn't move or speak." Pyra, you ok?" Tyrone came up to me and stopped mid way. "Is that..?" I heard his breathing speeding up. "How on earth." At least he could speak. Again I almost screamed. I cupped my hand over my mouth shaking my head. "He is dead?" He sounded astonished by the fact," I only thought... He was gone but he literally meant it 'Get your sister away from town. There is a great danger. Go far away, keep Raphael and Max close, don't lose anyone else.' That's what his text said and then after that he said, 'I'm going to die soon. Get there before it's too late!'" He resisted it like he had practiced for hours or at least studied the text of which my father sent him, my own dad was dead and all I wanted was to get away from him.

Me and my father go back to when I was 3, it was after my mom's funeral and it was on my birthday too. A sad day of which I will never forget because I told my dad I didn't want a birthday at all, just my mother and nothing else. I told him to, every year, remember my mother on that day and not my birthday. The thing is he remembered my birthday then on but spent most the day on my mother and baked a cake for both of us to share. It was nice, he gave me the one thing I wanted most, the memories of my mom. That is why I'm so shocked by the fact that he was dead and all I wanted was to get away. But I guess that is what he wanted.

I looked at him, and I opened my mouth and screamed, not an angry scream but a horrible screeching sound that anyone and everyone knows it means I'm petrified by the sight of something, and I was. This sight of which I saw now was horrid and I couldn't hold back the scream any longer. "He's dead! He's dead!" Is all I could scream that were words. Someone grabbed my shoulder and I jumped.

"Take a chill pill. It's only me." Raphael smiled his dangerous smile, "Or am I just that scary?"

"Probably both the fact that you snuck up on her and that you are big and built." Max said to him in this tone that said he enjoyed saying it. "You should look away, Pyra." The thing was I couldn't, my eyes were stuck in place.

   Raphael grabbed my shoulders and turned me away and instantly I stopped screaming. "That's better." Max said. "Maybe we shouldn't get cops involved with this, huh?"

"What was that about anyway? You look like you've never... Never mind you probably haven't seen a dead body before." Raphael said.

"Give her a break. She doesn't have a mother and now she has no father." Tyron looked as if  he was tired which he probably was. The drive he took to get here from the Far East side of New York  is a long trip. "You gonna be ok?" He asked me politely.

"I... I... I think so." I stammered, but I was actually terrified. This is like Tyrone  said not something I'm used to, or was it Raphael who said it?

"God you don't look good." Max said. "You sure you're ok?"

"He's got a point. Pyra tell the truth please. I want to know if your ok." Tyrone sounded worried. Not something I here every day. Or ever. He's not here all the time, just every now and then. I shook my head. I didn't want to speak. He put his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "It'll be ok just walk with me, ok?" I nodded and walked with him. He more or less had to drag me along. "I need you two to come here." Max and Raphael came to Tyrones calling of them to come. "We're going to leave. The three of us. You don't need to tell your parents I already did that. It will be a long time befor we even dare to come back so get your thing and meet me at the church in long prairie, the one right next to the park at st marry of mount Carmel. Got it?"

"Got it." Max and Raphael harmonized, of which never actually hapens, not a lot anyway. Me and Tyrone went home to pack but the packing was for me not him. I needed help because of the fact that I could barely move still. Tyrone said it would last a few days but no more then three, if it does last longer I'm going to need therapy.


About two hours after me and Tyrone got to the church I could move and talk again and three hours passed and Max and Raphael got there. They pulled up in Max's pick up driven by his
sister. They got out and she drove off. "Hey!  You guys got your stuff?" I waved at them and they smiled.

"You can talk again, without screaming." Raphael joked. Max just hugged me and they both got their stuff into the back of the suburban. Raphael and Tyrone had the front and me and Max had the middle. A suburban has three sets of chairs. Two in the front, three in the middle part, and three in the way back.

"So where are we going?" Max asked.

"My place in New York." Tyrone smiled in the rearview merrier. "You look better baby sis." He chuckled and looked back at the road. He loves to make me mad and that was the purpose of what he said.
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Comments (7)

I've got to get to bed, thanks for talking with me. =)
on January 20, 2016
It's a smiley face, and no problem. =)
on January 20, 2016
I can't see that emoji; I'm on my computer. Sorry!
on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016
You read it that fast?... Cool! Thanks I'm still working on it.
XD Yeah. I read very, very fast. And yeah; it's really cool sounding, but it has a lot of room for improvement.
on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016
Cool, but confusing...
on January 20, 2016