Lurking Nightmares: The Return

Remember the day those teens died and became the animatronics that vowed revenge? If so, they've been relocated to another place but this time they won't be on the stage no more. Those animatronics were locked away in storage decaying from missing parts and than there are the newer animatronics who are the best attractions for "Funtime City" it may seem fun but what's the story behind them that creates their forms. Are they also young teens who've suffered like Ellie and her friends? Find out in Lurking Nightmares: The Return.

published on August 25, 201661 reads 8 readers 0 completed
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Lurking Nightmares: The Return
Chapter 5.

These things are alive

April 16th, 2018 (same day)

Hours went by since Mr. Rogers began showing me around. He told me about the other animatronics like this grey lemur named Lauren who wore a pink bow around her neck, had flower marks on her chest and thighs, and gleaming yellow eyes was located in the child's play area where young kids five or six would come up to hug her she'd hug back also would respond to any questions you ask her but there's a limit to how much she can say or do though. Later on, I was brought to the 2nd floor to the teen zone room where teenagers could rock out to some music, play arcade games, and have some delicious food while they be entertained by two fellow animatronics; Holly the cat and McKenzie the pony. Holly was pink with black stripes, a speaker on her chest, and pink eyes she held a electric guitar while Mackenzie was a yellow pony with pink hearts on her chest and thighs, purple mane, pink bow, and I what seems to be red eyes. I also met Rowdy the fox at the Fox's Den which looked to be like a doghouse was where he would do tricks for kids and well act dog like, he wore a blue collar, his body red with white hands and muzzle, his eyes brown, and fake scratch marks across his chest and thighs. It was amazing! I just loved how well designed this place was I'm quite excited to do this job as I follow the manager I stop to noticed the KEEP OUT sign on a grey door also saying "Storage" on it.
Curious I take a look at it for a minute but immediately step back as if some sort of angered vibes were coming from in there. Quickly turning away from the door I continue following Snowy who led me to the main office "Now finally here is the office you'll be working in, this the cameras the top button us to check the 1st floor the bottom to check the top. As for power, try not to waste it but if you do just press this red button for ten seconds and your power will come back on" he convinced me in a kindly tone I nod in response looking intrigued at all this when I notice the entrance had a large door on it as well as shielded doors for the windows but why? I try to ask but Snowy already starts to speak "Well, now that this is taken care of I believe you'll need this to start your job tonight" he opens up a drawer and reveals a folded up grey uniform with a security guard hat beside it. Taking them out, Snowy hands me the uniform smiling "Here this is what you'll where when you start your job tonight at 12 am so I wish you luck cause your gonna need it" he says walking out of the office before I could say anything "What did he mean I'm gonna need it?" I ask myself though I shrug the thought away and head off to the girl's bathroom to try on my uniform.

That night, it was now 12am and it's my first no ght as security guard and so far it's pretty easy with nothing but empty silence I start to feel relaxed in my chair when the phone started ringing: "Uh...hello? Anyone there? Um....hi welcome to your first night as the new security at Funtime City. Now don't be fooled by the name when your there alone at night, things happen when you don't expect them to" the caller says sounding terrified, probably a guy maybe "Anyway, let me just give you some tips on how this'll go. I'm sure you already know about the power button the red one beside your camera, just press it down for ten seconds and your power will be restored, as for the door and down doors for the windows and entrance to your office that's to block out...unexpected visitors which are the animatronics heh" my mouth drops at this "Wait what?" I continue to listen "You see the animatronics tend to roam. They enjoy the company of people and when no people are around they'll try to go find any that are near by such as your office, be warned though at night they aren't so friendly so I'd locked those doors and windows if I were you. Also, there is a vent on the floor in your office one animatronic is known to crawl through it if that happens just flash your light in it's face they hate that." I nod in shock not sure how to react to this "So, have a good night and I'll call you tomorrow, bye."
As soon as he hung up I sat in my chair now bewildered and horrified of this "So these animatronics come to life?" I ask pressing the top bottom to camera one on the first floor in the dining room I immediately jumped out of my seat once I saw the two creepy blue eyes of Ginger the bat staring at me from the screen of the camera as if at that moment she would strike me down. Now this is a job I now seriously regret getting
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