Dreams (1)

Dreams (1)

This is quite literally a bunch of dreams i have had! I hope you enjoy!

published on August 06, 202021 reads 8 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

The princess dream

I was in a palace with a little boy who was going to be king, his mom, and the current queen! There was a fight and the queen tried to kill the little boy! The mom and boy left, then after a few moments the mom came back with A cute little girl!

I helped the girl get ready and went online to try for queen! After the competition the girl got queen and I got her knight! I swore to kill the last queen I went to where the queens were buried and saw that the woman only had three days left to live!

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a malachite crystal! I said something about it but I forgot! Then I met a guy and he asked what my pronouns are and I said non-binary...then I woke up
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