Deep at sea

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published on July 20, 201520 reads 4 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Sad News

I can't believe it we were leaving tomorrow I was so sad! We had to make our last day worth it though. :(   My mom had an idea of what we could do for our last day! She said " That we could Surf or go to one of the most fun water parks" Everyone had to think. The water park and super fast big slides, spinnning things, and way more! And surfing we had never tried, and we would be able to find and look at more see animals! My sister and I wanted the water park, so we went there! My parents were not kidding of how much fun it was! :)
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Comments (4)

thanks so much I am making one and I just posed a quiz so you can check it out hope you like itB)
on July 31, 2015
Make more quickly! I love your stories!
on July 31, 2015
thanks i'm working on an even better story and I hope you like turtles because its about TURTLES!
on July 31, 2015
Omg I love it!! :D
on July 31, 2015