The Stars In My Eyes

Hailey Jacobs is the quiet nerd girl, her parents are very rich and she dresses like shes rich but acts absoulutely different. On the other hand, Brian Garcia is the jock, everyone wants him but he doesnt want popular he wants different.

published on December 29, 20150 reads 0 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.
Isabella Rose Jacobs

Isabella Rose Jacobs

Hi..I-im Isabella.p-please call me izzy or bella..or belle..

Birthday-March 5 2010
-im 5 years old
-im shy
-no i dont have a lisp..
-I like chicken nuggets and mac and cheese
- i love barbies ,projectmc2,and american girl.
-i love horsies!

Bye bye im gonna play with my dollies
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