Voldy Goes North

Voldy Goes North

Bad idea, Voldy. Bad idea. You hardly wear clothes, for goodness' sake!

published on March 15, 201540 reads 11 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 5.
The End

The End

So, Voldy and Wormtail got stuck in the woods. And who knows what direction they actually went?
Not me.
But it was probably not north.
Anyways, they ended up calling Snape in the middle of his dance recital so he could come and rescue them. This was pretty tricky business, but by Snape saying "Voldemort" every three seconds good ol' Voldy was able to tell him how close he was to them.
Then Voldy realized he could have flown and he face palmed majorly, and Wormtail shook his head so that worms fell out of his hair, so Snape and Voldy screamed and ran away.

P.S all the pictures I used are random ones from my computer ^_^
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Comments (1)

Voldy seems so comical... I was like 'Whaoh! Voldemort's on Crossy Road?!?' When I was playing. Then I saw the wizard and was like 'DUMBLEDORE!!!'
on May 21, 2015