Forest's living nightmare

Forest's living nightmare

Forest touches a certain rock that makes his day a total nightmare. Will he find the rock before more bad things happen?

published on January 23, 20215 reads 2 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 3.

The sun and the moon

Forest looked up and saw both the sun and the moon, but the sun was purple and the moon was pink.

"You can do this, Forest." He said to himself. "you handled situations bigger than this, probably I didn't but I can do this!"

He bumped into a wolf, as soon as he looked up it was his friend Cosmo!

"Cosmo! I'm so glad to seen you!" Forest said grinning. "everything feels so weird, no humans, and cats has taken over!"

"Meow." Cosmo said purring. "I am a cat! Hiss! Hiss!

"What have they done to you!?" Forest asked. "don't leave me!"

But Cosmo blinked at Forest twice then ran off. Forest tried to run after him but the purple sun was getting brighter and brighter.

"To much light!" He said yelping. "I so hot, in a bad way. I'm so hot in a very terrible way!"

He tried to move but the sun kept getting brighter and brighter to where everything was purple.

"This doesn't make any sense!" Forest said. "why is everything so weird, I just wanna be back home!"

Forest tried to move but his paws felt like they were glued to the ground.

"The monkey!" Forest said. "I have to find the monkey that warned me about the rock!"

Forest tried with all his might to walk, but it was impossible.

"I regret all of this!" He said. "I should of just left the rock alone like the monkey said!"

"You should of listened, you are right." A voice said behind Forest.

Forest turned his head around to see who it was, it was the monkey!

"I am so happy to see you!" Forest said. "how can I fix all of this?"

Before the monkey could respond the sun and the moon was setting.

"Why are both the sun and moon setting at the same time?" Forest asked looking up.

"Oh, they ain't setting." The monkey replied. "they are are falling, by the time they touch the ground there will be a big explosion."

"How can we fix this?!" Forest asked panicking.

"The only way to fix this is to get the nightmare rock and put it back in the forest." The monkey replied.

"But I checked under my bed and it wasn't there." Forest said. "I put the rock under my bed so no one could steal it, and also so I wouldn't lose it."

"Are you sure you didn't misplace it?" The monkey asked.

"I'm positive!" Forest replied. "we have to go, before the big explosion happens!"

The monkey ran to Forest, picked him up, then ran to The Cat Hotel.

"How can you carry me with only one hand?" Forest asked.

"Rock now, questions later." The monkey replied.

When they reached to The Cat Hotel, they went through the doggy door. They sneaked into Forest's room to find the rock

"See? The rock is gone." Forest said, lifting up his bed. "I put it under here and now it's gone."

"Have you checked under your pillow?" The monkey asked.

"No." Forest replied. "but I still can."

When Forest lifted his pillow, the rock was there.
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Comments (1)

awesome story
on January 23, 2021