Mystic Charm

Mystic Charm

This is an ongoing chapter Fantasy Story involving magic, and more. This tells the quest of 'angels', which in this story are female mages. It has romance, drama, and action. I've drawn it in a manga like style, but I'm converting it to stories for Qfeast.

published on April 07, 20159 reads 6 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 6.

New friends

"Mei! Mei!" Kara couldn't get Mei to stop thinking, and say something. After 10 minutes Mei finally responded. "Wha- what"! Mei was not sure what was going on. "Oh yeah, we were talking about my dream. The old woman knew my name. She said we haven't seen each other in 17 years. I feel like I know her, but I don't, but I am only 18 what if she's right about not seeing me in 17 years. I could sense she was excited, it does make sense I guess". Now Kara was putting the pieces together. "I think you really do know this strange woman. Kara was always one to jump to conclusions, and not think much but she thought about this all the way through. "Why don't we just go get something to eat"? Mei's suggestion sounded good to Kara. Kethie walked by. "Hey, you're Mei right? Kethie introduced herself to Mei. I'm one the girls in your dorm apartment". "Oh hey, me, and my roommate Kara are going to go eat. Do you want to come"? Mei could sense Kethie was trying to make friends. Kethie replied "Yeah, I'll bring my roommate Cassadee".
    It took a lot for a shy girl like Kethie to say something, but she wanted to meet new friends. Cassadee was her only friend. Kethie nervously came back with Cassadee, and the 4 went out to the city. After the 10 minute bus ride the girls went to the city's food square. After sitting down with their food Kara tried to make small talk. "So, um Kethie, where does your power come from"? Kethie answered: "My power has spiritual origins. What about yours"? Kara was glad Kethie was trying to talk as well. " My magic comes from illusions, and the shadows". Kara's response caught Cassadee's attention. Her power also had dark origins.
     "Like yours my power also has dark origins, and like Kethie's my magic has spiritual origins". Cassadee told the rest of the group.  "Oh, cool let me see". Mei  told Cassadee that to try to befriend her. "Alright".... Cassadee had hesitation in her voice, but decided to demonstrate her magic. Cassadee closed her eyes, and touched her palms together. Suddenly a barely visible dark, yet nearly see-through, small wave knocked over the napkin holder on the table. Only Kethie noticed, but Cassadee's eyes, glowed a little bit, and her hair turned a bit darker when she made the wave. Kethie was puzzled at why that occurred, though. Cassadee then asked, "Did you see that?" Of course Mei (and the other 3) did so she responded, "Yeah, that was cool". Mei really meant it this time.
    The group talked more about their powers, and Mei wanted to talk about guys. Kethie was kind of shy about that topic, and Cassadee used a spell to control her last boyfriend, until he fought the spell, and broke up with her. After an awkward 20 minutes of Mei, and Kara failing to get Kethie, and Cassadee to say much the girls headed into town to visit the mall....
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Comments (1)

Its a really cool story (story tip...hope you dont mind... your charaters are super well developed, but try working on the ebb and flow of the story plot and story details):)
on April 08, 2015