Falling For You|Noah Schnapp|{First Year}

Falling For You|Noah Schnapp|{First Year}

11 year old girl, [Y,N] [L,N] go's to Hogwarts a befriends two Slytherins.One is the infamous;Draco Malfoy.The other is A teachers daughter,while there,their years become more and more dangerous.[1/7](ON HOLD)

published on May 17, 202010 reads 7 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.


"Slytherin!"The hat yells,Noah sends me a small smile from Gryffindor table as I walk to Slytherin table and sit down.

*Flashback:4 years ago*

Behind the L/N's household,a group of kids around the age 7 and 6 surrounded a mini stick house."I think we need more sticks around the edge."A young Sadie Sink says."I'll get them."Caleb says getting up.Not far away,a duo of 7 year old Noah Schnapp and Y/N L/N were talking while patching a scar on Y/N's leg."You really don't need to this,It's not that big."She says."It's all that I can do for a thanks for last time."Noah says,last week Y/N helped Noah look for a hiding place even though they were on the opposite teams."It's was nothing."Y/N remembering the moment he was talking about."Still.You're good to g-"Noah was cut off by Caleb"You done lovebird's?"He smirked."Shush Caleb."Noah said as he helped the girl up."Okaayy."Is all he said as he walked away to look for more sticks like Sadie asked."H-hey Noah?"."Yeah Y/N?"."Can we make a pact?"Y/N realizes he doesn't know what it mean's-Since they were 7-"it's like a promise we keep,not for a few hour,not for a few day,for life."."What kind"He finally asks."We never really,Separate,well other then when I go home or out of town."he thought for a moment."Yeah."He reply's."Pinky Promise?"He chuckles."Pinky Promise"He said as he intertwined pinky's with a smiling Y/N

*End Of Flashback*

~Noah POV~

I softly smile at Y/N as she went to Slytherin table. ‘'Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!Thank you!’'Dumbledor said. "Is he — a bit mad?" I heard Harry Say to our Prefect-Percy,Was it?- "Mad? He's a genius! Best wizard in the world! But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes, Harry?"He says.after a bit more of Dumbledors' speech we eat,But,I didn't take one bite."You alright there Noah?"Percy asks."Yeah,Yeah,Just..."I glance over to Slytherin table to see Y/N glancing back."Miss a friend"I answer honestly.

~After the feast~

I was able to talk with Ron and Harry before bed."So,who's the girl anyway?"Ron asks."Yeah,Who is it?"Harry asks."It's getting late"I say to cover up."'Night Guy's."."Night Ron,Night Noah."."Good night Harry,'night Noah."I couldn't sleep without Y/N.We use to sneak out from our room window-since be both live on the first floor-and talked,but,without her I couldn't sleep.
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