Lurking Nightmares: Demented Eyes

They're watching your every move. No longer are they happy memories. Deadly sharp fangs and terrifying forms. What has come to the animatronics from back in the past? Beware. Their coming for you. Be prepared to read this new terrifying tale in Lurking Nightmares: Demented Eyes.

published on September 18, 201641 reads 7 readers 0 completed
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Lurking Nightmares: Demented Eyes
Chapter 4.

Curiosity is a Curse

June 17th, 2020 (late at night)

After my family spent hours telling ghost stories and singing songs I had my mind still set on that creepy place. What in the world could have made such a terrifying sound? I huff getting up from the chair heading to the woods but my dad's questionable voice stops me "Amber, where are you going?" He asked  I took a deep breathe before hesitating to face him "I'm getting more fire wood cause the fire seems a bit low" I respond diligently hoping my father would believe while my mother just watched silently "Hm, okay than but don't be gone long it's quite dark right now and we'll be going to bed soon" he shouts watching me walk flicking my flashlight on I shout: "Don't worry I will" feeling satisfied I could trick him I dash off to the place I saw before, the torn up fence with two trees on each side that wear the same scratches on them and the bloody message beware still written on the right tree.
I take a deep breathe "Let's discover what's around here" I whisper quietly walking over the broken fence and straight into what feels like treacherous ground I guide my light at the old barn building from where I heard the first terrifying shrieks "This must it" heading straight for it sounds of moaning and whispers escape from the barn as if saying "I know you here" the voice hummed "You really should know better than to trespass on our territory" it hissed out my heart raced at full speed when something burst straight out the barn doors letting out a terrifying shriek I could just make out the form of robotic cat who seems to be withered but very frightening with grey skin, yellow gleaming eyes with red around the pupils, black markings, long fangs, and slicing claws. Running for my life I turn to the way I came from but as soon as I looked the exit was gone my one escape vanished! "No! No this can't be happening" I scream hearing the beast laugh "Indeed it is. I'm not sure you've noticed but if you read the beware sign maybe your common sense would have known better but you let curiosity get the best of you" the animatronic smiled standing only a few feet away from me "And once you enter our domain you'll be playing our game for a whole 7 nights" she shrieks charging I scream again flashing my light the animatronic shrieks and runs off into hiding I breathe heavily "So I'm stuck here for a whole week and I can never see my family again? No I don't want to be here! Someone help me!" I shout but immediately cover my mouth remembering this place is probably crawling with animatronics.

Staying as quiet as I can, I run past the barn and arched brick made basement into the large house. The door shuts loudly behind me I go quiet and hide under a table when sudden metal footsteps come my way; I go still; "Hm, I was sure I heard something" I hear it hiss then another set off metal steps come my way "Scourge, apparently there is news that a young teenager is roaming around here now I believe this'll be quite interesting" the other voice speaks. Scourge twitches his ears "This is interesting. Thanks for telling me this Holly now let us go search for them" the two them nod walking away from me and towards the other room I sigh crawling from under the table I run as fast as I can upstairs but quickly I stop at the sight of a rabbit animatronic walking around the upstairs hallways it turns it's head slightly to my direction and stares at me with cold red eyes.
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