My Pokemon Theory!

My Pokemon Theory!

This is a pretty weird but understandable theory, but in order for it to make sense, you have to be a pretty hardcore fan of Pokemon, have watched one full series of Pokemon Anime, play the video game, and know a little about Pokemon Origins. Origins is a minor role in this though.

published on July 24, 20148 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Theory 3

This is also not mine but i do believe it.  

This is one of the most prevalent but creepy theories, and it concerns the Ground type Pokémon Cubone and its headgear.

In several Pokédex entries, Cubone is described as wearing the skull of its dead mother. The fact that it is an orphan is central to the Pokémon's characterization, and its evolved form, Marowak, is said to have toughened up from this lack of maternal care.

Some fans believe Cubone's final evolved form was originally Kangaskhan, which is why the two look similar in body type. Another theory is that only Kangaskhan babies that lose their mothers turn into Cubones, by wearing the skull.

This actually isn't an unusual way to become a different Pokémon — Slowpoke can only evolve into a Slowbro when a Shellder attaches to its tail. One thing we know for sure is Cubone is one Pokémon with serious abandonment issues.
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